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At Holywell, now the second town in North Wales, is the shrine to which pilgrims have been going for many centuries. At the foot of a steep hill, from an aperture in the rock, there rushes forth a torrent of water at the rate of eighty-four hogsheads a minute; whether the season be wet or be dry, the sacred stream gushing forth from St.

Holywell grew to have a fascination for me, and in the following spring I left the fishing-inn beneath Snowdon, and took rooms in this interesting old town. One day, near the rivulet that runs from St. Winifred's Well, I suddenly encountered Sinfi Lovell. 'Sinfi, I said, 'she's dead, she's surely dead. 'I tell ye, brother, she ain't got to die! said Sinfi, as she came and stood beside me.

Rashleigh rose with very unwonted alacrity. She was a distant relative of his, this dying Mrs. Holywell; ridiculously rich for a childless widow, and with no nearer heir than the reverend pastor of St. Pancras' Church. "I will accompany you at once, my dear! Poor Mrs. Holywell! But it is the fate of all flesh! How did you come, pray? It rains, does it not?"

The rioters emerged at discreet intervals, and rejoined each other in the broad street outside the college. "Vengeance is still due!" said Falloden, towering among them, always with the faithful and grinning Meyrick at his side "and we will repay. But now, to our tents! Ta, ta!" And dismissing them all, including Meyrick, he walked off alone in the direction of Holywell.

When in London he had ransacked Holywell Street for dainty editions of so many of his favorite authors as would make quite a little library for Letty; and on his return, had commissioned a cabinet-maker in Testbridge to put together a small set of book- shelves, after his own design, measured and fitted to receive them exactly; these shelves, now ready, he fastened to her wall one afternoon when she was out of the way, and filled them with the books.

The next object of interest is Flint Castle, to which King Richard II. was carried as a prisoner, and where he met the banished Bolingbroke, who was soon to step into his royal shoes and dub himself King Henry IV. Next was the town of Holywell so called for the famous, and, it is said, miraculous well of St. Winifred, which it contains.

Nothing slow would be of any use, whether for saddle or harness; and although the proportion of high-priced sound unblemished animals may be small, the number of quick runners is large. There is an establishment in Holywell Street which is quite one of the Oxford sights.

He was away for nearly a week, and on his return called at once in Holywell, to report his visit. Nora was with Connie in the drawing-room when he was announced; and a peremptory look forbade her to slip away. She sat listening to the conversation. Was this really Douglas Falloden this grave, courteous man without a trace of the "blood" upon him?

in which they will find many interesting Autographs and curious Portraits. We have also received Strand;" and Ancient and Modern, on Sale, by W. Pedder, 12. Holywell St. Part VI. 1849." THE WOMEN'S PETITION AGAINST COFFEE. 8vo. 1674. HARROD'S SEVENOAKE, A POEM. 4to. 1753. LIFE OF HON. ROBERT PRICE, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, London. 1734. Venet, 1716. Or the 2nd Vol. only.

"Do you remember a note from Melbourne fourteen or fifteen years ago, telling about your lecture tour in Australia, and your death and burial in Melbourne? a note from Henry Bascomb, of Bascomb Hall, Upper Holywell Hants." "Yes." "I wrote it." "M-y-word!" "Yes, I did it. I don't know why. I just took the notion, and carried it out without stopping to think. It was wrong. It could have done harm.