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Updated: August 3, 2024

But her grandmother could not leave the old lieutenant; and my mother had written to say that, as Mrs. Hoggarty was with us, she was quite as well at home with her children. "What a blessing it is for you, under your misfortunes," continued the good soul, "to have the generous purse of your aunt for succour!" Generous purse of my aunt, indeed! Where could Mrs. Hoggarty be?

H. on the score of compassion. 'Your niece, said I, 'Mrs. Titmarsh, madam, has been of late, Sam says, rather poorly, qualmish of mornings, madam, a little nervous, and low in spirits, symptoms, madam, that are scarcely to be mistaken in a young married person. "Mrs. Hoggarty said she had an admirable cordial that she would send Mrs.

But this was the way in which Mrs. Hoggarty was brought back to her relatives; and this was the reason why we took that house in Bernard Street, the doings at which must now he described.

To be sure he might have learned the truth from Gus, who lived with me; but Gus would insist that I was hand in glove with all the nobility, and boasted about me ten times as much as I did myself. The chaps used to call me the "West Ender." "See," thought I, "what I have gained by Aunt Hoggarty giving me a diamond-pin!

If you choose to order dresses and jewels from first-rate shops, you must pay for them; and don't expect that I am to abet your extravagance, or give you a shilling more than the munificent sum I pay you for board and lodging!" How could I tell Mary of this behaviour of Mrs. Hoggarty, and Mary in such a delicate condition?

Polonius, who was standing close by, as it happened, serving three ladies, a very old one and two young ones, who were examining pearl necklaces very attentively. "Sir," said I, producing my jewel out of my coat-pocket, "this jewel has, I believe, been in your house before: it belonged to my aunt, Mrs. Hoggarty, of Castle Hoggarty." The old lady standing near looked round as I spoke.

I gave up everything, my happy home in the country, where all respected the name of Hoggarty; my valuble furnitur and wines; my plate, glass, and crockry; I brought all all to make your home happy and rispectable. I put up with the airs and impertanencies of Mrs. Titmarsh; I loaded her and you with presents and bennafits.

"I have packed the trunks, Aunt, but I am not strong enough to bring them down," said Mary. "Certainly not, certainly not," said John Brough, perhaps a little ashamed. "Hallo! George, Frederic, Augustus, come upstairs this instant, and bring down the trunks of Mrs. Hoggarty of Castle Hoggarty, which this young lady will show you." Nay, so great was Mr.

In the middle of the brooch was Hoggarty in the scarlet uniform of the corps of Fencibles to which he belonged; around it were thirteen locks of hair, belonging to a baker's dozen of sisters that the old gentleman had; and, as all these little ringlets partook of the family hue of brilliant auburn, Hoggarty's portrait seemed to the fanciful view like a great fat red round of beef surrounded by thirteen carrots.

"Of course you hope so, madam," answered Mrs. Hoggarty, very sarcastic. But Mary's speech and my aunt's were quite lost upon Gus; for he had instantly run to his hat, and I heard him tumbling downstairs.

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