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The further a young couple can git from the old folks on both sides the better for everybody concerned. And besides, Annie wasn't the kind of a gyirl to git along with Dick's mother. A gyirl with the kind o' raisin' Annie'd had wasn't any fit daughter-in-law for a particular, high-steppin' woman like Old Lady Elrod.

God pardon ye, melady, for thrustin' yerself to that paiceable, brindly-coloured ould hin, whin ye might be gettin' a dacint, high-steppin' horse for a shillin' or two more; an' belike I might contint meself to take less, for I wouldn't be extortin' ye like Barney O'Mara there!"

Farnham wants to keep a high-steppin' Scotchman to run his flowers, may be he kin afford it. I ain't his gardeen." Now was Sleeny's chance to make his disclosure; but his voice trembled in spite of him, as he said: "I seen Mattie up there." "Yes," said the old man, tranquilly. "She went up to see about a place in the library.

Who is the best man," he asked, with honest frankness, "you, or some high-steppin' snob whose daddy has left him the means to be a loafer all his days? And who would the prettiest girl in Buffland prefer, you or the loafer? And you intend to let Mr. Loafer have it all his own way?" "No, I don't!" Sam roared, like a baited bull. "Ef any man crosses my path, he can find out which is the best man."

All them luxuriant carriages and high-steppin' charges, he'd give 'em all, I guess, to be able to walk off ten miles the way Thinkright can, and him his own age." "It must be hard for Miss Derwent," returned Sylvia, able to-day to accept this idea. "Jest so," agreed Mrs. Lem.

"Dave wuz one er dese yer men w'at didn' keer much fer de gals, leastways he didn' tel Dilsey come ter de plantation. Dilsey wuz a monst'us peart, good-lookin', gingybread-colored gal, one er dese yer high-steppin' gals w'at hol's dey heads up, en won' stan' no foolishness fum no man. She had b'long' ter a gemman over on Rockfish, w'at died, en whose 'state ha' ter be sol' fer ter pay his debts.

"What sort of a dance can it be, man?" said Battersleigh. "Why, a plumb dandy dance; reg'lar high-steppin' outfit; mucha baille; best thing ever was in this settlement." "I'm curious to know where the ladies will come from," said Franklin. "Don't you never worry," rejoined Curly. "They's plenty o' women-folks.

"Dave wuz one er dese yer men w'at did n' keer much fer de gals, leastways he did n' 'tel Dilsey come ter de plantation. Dilsey wuz a monst'us peart, good-lookin', gingybread-colored gal, one er dese yer high-steppin' gals w'at hol's dey heads up, en won' stan' no foolishness fum no man.

Reckon I've had enough of it to last me for the next thousand years. I've forgot, if I ever knowed, what this war wuz started about. Say, young fellers, I've got a wife back thar, a high-steppin', fine-lookin' gal not more'n twenty years old I'm just twenty-five myself, an' we've got a year-old baby the cutest that wuz ever born.

Got Old Tar when he turned up in a wild-hoss corral th’ mustangers set over in th’ Red River country—" "I saw him when you rode into town. Good-lookin’ animal." Crow Fenner nodded vigorously. "Shore is, shore is. Don Cazar, he’s partial to good stockfavors Tar, too. Th’ Don has him a high-steppin’ hoss every hoss thief in this here territory’d like to run off. Bright yaller—" "Saw that one, too.