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Updated: August 23, 2024

A time comes in human affairs, as in physical ailments, when heroic measures must be used to save the life of a patient or the welfare of a community; and if that time is allowed to pass, as many now think that it was at the time of the Crimean war, the last state is worse than the first, an opinion which these passing days of the hesitancy of the Concert and the anguish of Greece, not to speak of the Armenian outrages, surely indorse.

He did not credit them with prejudices to rub, with feelings to hurt, indeed hardly with ears to overhear. Provided his subject was an "outsider," he had not the slightest hesitancy in saying exactly what he thought about any one, anywhere, always in his high clear English voice, no matter what the time or occasion.

The major knew just why he wished him not to go, but saw fit to name almost any other than the real reason when, with a certain awkward hesitancy he began: "W ell, is the post return ready?" "It will be, sir, in abundant time," was the prompt reply. "You know they sent it back for correction last month," hazarded the commander.

French Soldier and Corsican Patriot Paoli's Hesitancy His Return to Corsica Cross-Purposes in France A New Furlough Money Transactions of Napoleon and Joseph Open Hostilities Against France Address to the French Assembly The Bastia Uprising Reorganization of Corsican Administration Meeting of Napoleon and Paoli Corsican Politics Studies in Society.

Even the man who was subsequently won over to the capitalist interest hesitated long before taking the formidable step: It was believed, however, that the hesitancy of Marcus Octavius was due more to his personal regard for Tiberius than to respect for the people's wishes. The tribune who was to scotch the obnoxious measure was an excellent instrument for a dignified opposition.

"And this," said Mrs. Frank Garrison, bravely, yet with a trifle less confidence of manner, with indeed a faint symptom of hesitancy, "is Miss Amy Lawrence," and in extending her little hand to take that of the most retiring of the three girls, only the finger tips and thumb seemed to touch.

It is a faith which to them appears to amount to absolute knowledge. They have no doubt or hesitancy on the subject. Their convictions are perfect; such, that were they as strong in their faith as Christians, as they are in the reality of Spiritualism, they would be able to move mountains."

Within less than a day she had so obsessed him as to cause him to focus upon the passion the entire strength of his being. The fortune of gold and jewels before him was great, but if necessary he could sacrifice it without hesitancy to bring her nearer to him. That was secondary and so was everything which lay between him and that one great need.

Miss Van Arsdale dismounted and, after a moment's hesitancy, the other followed her example. The hostess threw open the door and a beautiful, white-ruffed collie rushed to her with barks of joy. She held out a hand to her new guest. "Be welcome," she said with a certain stately gravity, "for as long as you will stay." "It might be some time," answered Io shyly. "You're tempting me."

Why didn't you stop sooner? She all but capsized a dozen times in the last two or three turns you and she took around the room." Percy's smile became broader. "That is all part of the dance," he explained. "Watch this couple here." Daniel watched as directed. The couple were a young man and a girl about Gertrude's age. They were doing the "hesitation" with the hesitancy emphasized.

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