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Wanda's quick, ready smile flashed out at this and she came forward, putting out her hand. "I'm glad that you did come," she said cordially. "You must be tired to death and simply frozen. If you'll come up to the fire and take off your things I'll make some tea or coffee." Claire Hazleton's slim gloved hand accepted Wanda's, touching it lightly. "You are too kind," she began formally.

Hastily Kennedy called Hazleton's home, Butler, and one after another of Hazleton's favorite clubs. It was not until noon that Butler himself found him and came with him, under protest, to the laboratory. "What is it what have you found?" cried Butler, his lean form a- quiver with suppressed excitement.

"He had it in his power to do me a mean, low-life trick, and he did it, and I hope to see the day when I will be even with him," said the lad, with a flashing eye, while an angry flush mantled his cheek. "Do any of the family deal at Mr. Hazleton's store? Perhaps you gave some of them offence through neglect or thoughtlessness in dealing with them." "It was nothing of the kind. Mr.

"P professor K Kennedy," he muttered, frantically rubbing his face and lower jaw as if to compose the agitation he could so ill conceal, "let me explain." "Yes, yes go on," urged Kennedy. "Mrs. Hazleton's baby was born dead. I knew how much she and the rest of the family had longed for an heir, how much it meant. And I substituted for the dead child a newborn baby from the maternity hospital.

She must have gone there directly after our visit to Dr. Klemm's, must have been waiting for him when he returned with his story of the exposure to answer her fears of us as Mrs. Hazleton's detectives. In a frenzy of intoxication she must have flung her arms blindly about him in a last wild embrace. Hazleton looked, aghast. He leaned over and took her arm.

"What was it that dogged my steps and shut door after door against me? Wasn't that prejudice against color?" "Whose color, Charley? Surely not yours, for you are whiter than several of Mr. Hazleton's clerks. Do you see in your case it was not prejudice against color?" "What was it, then?"

I wondered if that had really been the occasion of the threats or whatever it was that had caused Mrs. Hazleton's fears, and whether Veronica Haversham or any of the fast set around her had had anything to do with it. Millicent Hazleton was a very pretty little woman, in whom one saw instinctively the artistic temperament.

See all those teams? Maybe I ought to have taken up old Hackaberry on that town-lot proposition, after all." "Fiddlesticks!" she retorted, with fine scorn of Hazleton's real-estate possibilities. "You could buy the whole town with this." She touched the sack with her toe. "Not quite," Bill returned placidly. "I wouldn't, anyway. We'll get a better run for our money than that.

"I was working, but I did not intend to deceive you father." "Working! Working! Where have you been working?" "At Mr. Hazleton's box factory." "At a what factory?" "Box factory." "How much did you earn?" he growled, watching me closely to see if I told the truth.

And," merely as an afterthought, "what name will I say, lady?" "Don't bother," she replied coolly. "She knows I'm here." "Does she? She hasn't been expecting you, has she?" "No." Miss Hazleton's interest in the little man had evidently died a sudden death, and her one concern now seemed to get herself warm and dry.