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Updated: August 9, 2024

Having taken all she wanted, she ran back to the barn, and was innocently catching gnats when her mamma came out of the hay-mow with a loud. 'Cut-cut-cut-ca-dar-cut! 'Where is Peep? asked Mrs. Cluck. 'Don't know, ma. She' there Peck stopped suddenly, rolled up her eyes, and began to stagger about as if she was tipsy. 'Mercy on us! What's the matter with the chick? cried Mrs.

Then to Katharine she added, softly: "He's doing that to keep his courage up." "All the same he whistles beautifully," answered the girl, loyally. "If he could only speak as well as he whistles it would be splendid. Why, up there on the hay-mow to-day, some sort of bird I think he said it was a meadow-lark, or skylark, or something anyhow, it sang ex-quis-ite-ly!

Immediately over the hen's head comes the boy's cap, and there is a scatteration of feathers all over the hay-mow, and the boy is victor. But at last the evening before Easter comes. While the old people are on the piazza the children come in with the accumulated treasures of many weeks, and put down the baskets. Eggs large and small, white-shelled and brown, Cochin-Chinas and Brahmapooters.

They had to sleep out of doors nevertheless; for by this time Clare knew that a boy, especially a boy in rags, must mind whom he asks to change a sovereign. In the lee of a hay-mow, on a little loose hay, they slept, Abdiel in Clare's bosom, and slept well. There was not much temptation to lie long after waking, and the companions were early on their way.

'Don't go out of the barn, children. I'm going to lay an egg, and can't look after you just now, said their mother one day. 'Yes, ma'am, chirped the chickens; and then as she went rustling into the hay-mow, they began to run about and enjoy themselves with all their might. Peep found a little hole into the meal-room, and slipped in, full of joy at the sight of the bags, boxes, and bins.

They went to the dairy to see the creaking cheese-presses, ate of the fresh curd, saw the golden stores of butter; thence to the barn, where they clambered upon the hay-mow, found the nest of a bantam, took some of the little eggs in their pockets; then coming into the yard, they patted the calves' heads, scattered oats for the doves, that, with pink feet and pearly blue necks, crowded around them to be fed, and next began to chase a fine old gander down to the brook, when Mr.

Wholly unmindful of the one he had just robbed, Jaggers sat down on the ground, passing the banknotes between his fingers. "I found a small hay-mow of money where I looked, too," observed Josh Owen, with intense satisfaction, though his manner was calmer. "How much did you get?" demanded Dan, instantly prepared to be suspicious that his rascally uncle had happened upon the lion's share.

So in the dark odorous hay-mow Mr. Wrenn stretched out his legs with an affectionate "good night" to Morton. He slept nine hours. When he awoke, at the sound of a chain clanking in the stable below, Morton was gone. This note was pinned to his sleeve: DEAR OLD MAN, I still feel sure that you will not enjoy the hiking. Bumming is not much fun for most people, I don't think, even if they say it is.

Her appearance alarmed both the children, who fancied she, also, was about to faint as Moses had done, yet she did not fall nor did her gaze waver; and impelled by its sternness to make reply, Monty finally stammered: "H-h-h-hay-m-m-ow." "Hay-mow!

From the way he was excitedly mumbling, I saw that the heedless son of a hay-mow was skipping with all his might, in order to get to the bloody details as quickly as possible; and so he was missing the guide-boards I had set up to warn him that the whole thing was a fraud.

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