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Hartwick eagerly asked as he wiped the blood from Browning's face. "Can you finish him next round?" "I shall try, but I don't believe the fellow can be licked unless he is killed. That's what I think of him." "Didn't I hear you say you knew a trick that would do him?" "Yes, but it is not a square deal, although no referee could call it foul if this were a fight with bare fists.

Under the circumstances this seemed to be impossible, but his earnest pleas overcame every objection. In 1884 he entered Hartwick Seminary where he was graduated with honor in 1888. Unable himself to read the text books, his friends read them for him. Especially helpful to him in his studies were Professor Hiller and his wife, the daughter of the sainted Dr. George B. Miller.

I came near landing in the station house, along with the two men who were fighting, but they concluded not to pinch me. The women departed after having once more expressed their opinion all around concerning me. "When they were gone Hartwick came out of the clothespress. We sat down amid the ruins and said over some words that will not bear repetition. "That's the whole of the cat-and-dog story.

They are mighty liable to use several different kinds, and they won't be in it at all, my children. Let's go down to Morey's and oil up." "Go ahead," said Hartwick, grimly. "But you will think over what I have said after the race comes off." The boys put on their caps and trooped out, laughing and talking as they went. "Harry!" "Hello!" "You've got to stop smoking those confounded cigarettes."

"That's what it is," nodded Puss Parker, "and I don't know but Pierson is right. I am inclined to think so." "Rot!" exclaimed Evan Hartwick, sharply. "I don't take stock in anything of the sort. Merriwell may make a pitcher some day, but he is raw. Why, he would get his eye batted out if he were to go up against Harvard on the regular team." "Oh, I don't know about that," said Andy Emery.

Diamond was a freshman, and so he received a calling down from Hartwick, who told him he was altogether too new. But as Hartwick strolled away, Diamond quietly said: "I may be new, sir, but I back up any talk I make. There are others who do not, sir." Hartwick made no reply.

"Why, he wants to disagree with us, that's all," said Browning. "Why, he wouldn't eat anything if he thought it would agree with him. That's the kind of a man he is." Hartwick looked disgusted. "Keep it up! keep it up!" he cried. "But you'll find out!" "Now, see here, man," said Parker once more; "are you stuck on Merriwell?" Hartwick showed still greater disgust, his eyes flashing.

Bring me a gun, and I will shoot it full of holes! "Then I found that I could hear my clock merrily rattling away under that heap of clothes. It seemed to be defying Hartwick or laughing at him. "I got him off the bed, pawed around till I found the clock between the mattresses, and then stopped it. Hartwick offered me three times what it was worth if I'd let him use his baseball bat on it.

Coming to New York in 1746, Berkenmeyer had him subscribe to the Loonenburg Church constitution. His parish included the congregations at Rheinbeck, Camp, Staatsburg, Ancrum, and Tar Bush. The capriciousness with which Hartwick, who remained an eccentric bachelor all his life, performed his pastoral duties soon gave rise to dissatisfaction.

"What did Hartwick say?" Frank eagerly asked. "He said he had a nice fresh flat who thought it a fine thing to play the spy and blab all he found out." "Blay bluses I mean blue blazes!" cried Harry, banging his fist down on the table. "That's what makes me cot under the hollar! A man who would do a thing like that will steal a sheep!