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Updated: August 5, 2024

Of course, we had nothing to do but to make profound bows, and suffer the negro to move on. "There it is, Littlepage," exclaimed Guert, with a species of sigh; "I shall have nothing but iced looks for the next week, and all for riding down hill four or five years later than is the rule. Everybody, hereabouts, uses the hand-sled until eighteen, or so; and I am only five-and-twenty.

"I guess Ma's night cap or something frightened the cat more, cause he stabbed Ma on the night-shirt with one hind foot, and Ma said 'mercy on us, and she went back, and Pa stumbled on a hand-sled that was on the stairs, and they all fell down, and the cat got away and went down in the coal bin and yowled all night.

They looked at one another until Wyllard spoke. "We have got the hand-sled, and some, at least, of the things," he said. "The sooner we start for the beach the sooner we'll get there." It was a relief to load the sled, and when that was done they set off in the hide traces across the ice with the snow whirling about them.

He who in these latter days would earn a reputation for enterprise and I fancy the love of adventure to be far less common than the love of being thought adventurous must have recourse to some such forlorn hope as going up the mountain on the ice in midwinter, or coasting down on a hand-sled. But I have no inclination in that direction.

Had either of these young ladies been Albanians, it is probable they would have laughed at our mishap; but no high hill running directly into New York, the custom that prevailed at Albany did not prevail in the capital. Small boys alone used the hand-sled in that part of the colony, while the taste continued longer among the more stable and constant Dutch.

On we tramped again, following that will-o'-the-wisp of a hand-sled track into the thick spruce forest. For the first nine or ten miles everything went well; then one of the dangers of the great Maine woods in winter suddenly presented itself. About one o'clock it began to snow little icy pellets that rattled down through the tree tops like fine shot or sifted sand.

By and by winter came on with all its terrors. By night wolves howled about the lonely house, and sprung back over the palings when Eben went to the door with his musket. Joe hauled wood from the forest on a hand-sled, and Dolly and Diana took it in through the kitchen window when the drifts were so high that the woodshed door could not be opened.

I don't want to pull a hand-sled and wear moccasins all my life, and raise children for men with whiskers. I want to be loved I want to be loved! I want to marry a gentleman." "Burrell!" said Gale. "No!" she flared up. "Not him nor anybody in particular, but somebody like him, some man with clean finger-nails."

The scenes, the ice, drawing the hand-sled, cutting holes, spearing the eels, &c., were of course just such fun as is dearest to boyhood. The shores of this bay, winter and summer, and my doings there in early life, are woven all through L. of G. One sport I was very fond of was to go on a bay-party in summer to gather sea-gull's eggs.

When the large man had killed many beavers, he put them on a hand-sled which he had, and pursued his way home. When he saw him retire, the dwarf hunter followed, and, wielding his magic shell, he cut off the tail of one of the beavers, and ran home with the prize. The giant, on reaching his lodge with his sled-load of beavers, was surprised to find one of them shorn of its tail.

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