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"What'll you charge?" "A dollar and a half, and half-a-dollar for your baggage." "This is all the baggage I have," said Joe, indicating a bundle tied in a red cotton handkerchief. "Then, I'll only charge a dollar and a half," said the hackman. "I'll walk," said Joe. "I can't afford to pay a dollar and a half." "You can't walk; it's too far." "How far is it?"

Tame this Giant Irishman you bet your sweet life I will; an' have him cavortin' through a hoop inside of a month or maybe a week if I'm not kept busy wastin' my time over groom's work." "Right-ho, Professor!" said the boss, good-humouredly. "You shall have a groom of your own, right here an' now. I'll promote Sam to the job, with half-a-dollar rise.

She is a fat, slovenly-looking woman, forty years old or more, having no teeth, and taking prodigious quantities of snuff, which gives her enunciation some peculiar characteristics. When the Individual first beheld her, she was standing in the middle of the floor, picking her teeth. She requested her visitor to take a seat, and to pay her half-a-dollar, with both of which requests he complied.

If you want half-a-dollar with which to buy a spade, and go out and dig for your living, I'll give it to you cheerfully. But I will not get you a place under Government." Salmon felt a choking sensation in his throat. He knew his uncle did not mean it for unkindness; but the sentence seemed hard. He arose, speechless for a moment, mechanically brushing his hat. "Thank you.

You give a nigger a plain gill of half-a-dollar brandy for five cents will he touch it? No. Ain't size enough to it. But you put up a pint of all kinds of worthless rubbish, and heave in some red stuff to make it beautiful red's the main thing and he wouldn't put down that glass to go to a circus. All the bars on this Anchor Line are rented and owned by one firm.

They think that providence is allers on the look out to do them some good turn. "'What do you charge, Mr. Browne? says they, instanter. "Oh, a mere trifle, say I, instanter. Jist half-a-dollar a quarter part in cash, part in produce. "''Tis cheap, says they agin. "Tew little, says I, by half. "'Well, the children shall go, says the old man. 'Missus, you see to it.

"I do not intend hereafter to have washing done more than once in two weeks," said the rich Mrs. Percy, in reply to an observation of her husband, who was standing at the window, looking at a woman who was up to her knees in the snow, hanging clothes on a line in the yard. "I declare it is too bad, to be paying that poking old thing a half-a-dollar a week for our wash, and only six in the family.

'One of the most noted land-jobbers in the country a man who buys wild lands at three shillings an acre, to sell them again at ten or fifteen, if he can; and he never loses an opportunity of driving a trade. His bargain of a cleared farm is probably some worn-out dilapidated location not worth half-a-dollar an acre till hundreds have been spent on it.

The best prayer-skins are made at Ogadayn; there they cost about half-a-dollar each. Early on the 23rd December assembled the Caravan, which we were destined to escort across the Marar Prairie. Upon this neutral ground the Eesa, Berteri, and Habr Awal meet to rob and plunder unhappy travellers.

Once we hired Johnnie to work for us at the rate of half-a-dollar a day. A heavy rain-storm had just taken place, and my brother insisted that Johnnie was the right man to fill up the "wash-outs" in and about the corrals. He was strong, big, docile as a cow, and he lived within a few hundred yards of the ranch-house.