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They had begged to be shown to Miss Saville's room, and came rustling in, smiling and beaming, with woollen caps over their heads, snow-shoes on their feet, and fleecy shawls swathed round and round their figures, and fastened with a hairpin on the left shoulder, in secure and elegant fashion. Peggy stood, brush in hand, staring at them and shaking with laughter. "He! he! he!

Fortunately she carried a travelling comb in her pocket, with which she made shift to do her curling hair, if hair can be said to be done when one has not a hairpin or even a bit of string wherewith to fasten it.

It seems he swept Billy's rooms this morning and put them in order against her coming; and tonight William told him that she wouldn't be here at present. Pete came straight to me. He said he didn't dare tell Mr. William, but he'd got to tell some one: there wasn't one single thing of Miss Billy's left in her rooms nor anywhere else in the house not so much as a handkerchief or a hairpin."

I'll write and leave you know if there is anything in it, otherwise there's no use getting Min and the girls started talking. There's ten dollars in the hairpin box. With love, Mama." "Well, I'd give a good deal to know what struck Em," said Mrs. Tarbury, for the hundredth time.

For an instant, with the recollection of the delicate internal organization of the Saltellos on my mind, I was in agony lest she should totter and fall, even then, yielding up her gentle spirit on the spot. But when I looked again, she had a hairpin between her white teeth and was carefully adjusting her toreador hat. And beside us was Enriquez cheerful, alert, voluble, and undaunted.

I didn't know but you might feel it would be best, after all, for us to put her again in charge of her old schoolmistress for a few weeks." If hair could really rise, mine would have instantly cast out every hairpin, as if they were so many evil spirits, and have stood out all around my head like Strumpelpeter's. Yet there was nothing I could say.

Oh, I've seen them often the adorable yet brawny creatures, leaping six feet into the air and smacking a defenseless tennis ball with such vigor that it started right off in the general direction of Sioux Falls at the rate of upwards of ninety miles an hour, and coming down flat-footed without having jostled so much as a hairpin out of place.

Apparently she meant that there should be no bond left even of that kind; and yet it was a long time before I gave up visiting and revisiting all the corners of all possible receptacles for something that she might have left behind on purpose. It was like the mania of those disordered minds who spend their days hunting for a treasure. I hoped for a forgotten hairpin, for some tiny piece of ribbon.

I wondered how he knew that, but he wouldn't tell me." "He has never told me," Southbourne said complacently. "Though I guessed it, all the same, and he couldn't deny it, when I asked him. She dropped hairpins about, or a hairpin rather, women always do when they're agitated, an expensive gilt hairpin. That's how he knew she was certainly fair-haired, and probably well dressed."

"Anything on the collar?" asked the man. Lloyd settled a hairpin in a coil of hair at the back of her neck. "Nothing nothing that I can make out." She climbed into the cart again and dismissed the farm-hand with a quarter. He disappeared around the turn of the road.