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Now as Beltane stood to watch this, grim-lipped, for it needed but few to man the barricade, so narrow was it, Roger caught his arm and pointed to the housetops above them; and what he saw, others saw also, and a cry went up of wonder and amaze.

His square face, with the heavy smudge of bushy black eyebrows over the fierce blue eyes, and the short, blunt, hooked nose, and grim-lipped yet tender mouth, from the corner of which an extinct and forgotten cigar-butt absurdly jutted, bore, like his great gaunt frame, the ravaging traces of the consuming drink-lust.

Calm-eyed, grim-lipped he wooed her, yet with dogged assiduity; he became a familiar figure at those very select gaming-tables where play was highest, and tales of his recklessness and wild prodigality began to circulate; tales of huge sums won and lost with the same calm indifference, that quiet gravity which marked him in all things.

In an instant Randerson was inside the cabin. Ruth lay prone, where she had fallen. Randerson, pale, grim-lipped, leaned over her. "Fainted!" he decided. He stepped to the man and turned him over roughly. "Chavis," he ejaculated, his lips hardening. "Bored a-plenty!" he added, with vindictive satisfaction. He saw Ruth's weapon, noted the gash in Chavis' forehead, and smiled.

Forthwith, pikemen and archers fell into array with Cnut at their head, while behind the spreading ranks of pikes Prat and his archers were ranged, bows strung and quivers slung before; and presently, at Beltane's word, they swung forth of the sheltering green, fierce-eyed, grim-lipped, bascinet and pike-head a-twinkle.

Ann Veronica had come to the Imperial College obsessed by the great figure of Russell, by the part he had played in the Darwinian controversies, and by the resolute effect of the grim-lipped, yellow, leonine face beneath the mane of silvery hair. Capes was rather a discovery. Capes was something superadded.

"Because," answered Barnabas, grim-lipped, "tonight I go to ride another race, a very long, hard race, and oh, John Peterby my faithful John, if you never prayed before pray now, that I may win!" "Sir," said Peterby, "I will!" Then Barnabas caught his hand, wrung it, and striding from the room, hurried away down the dark and narrow stair.

Then spake Beltane, grim-lipped yet soft of voice: "Lord Pertolepe, fain would I hang thee as thou hast hanged many a man ere now but this, methinks, is a better way: for here, unless some wanderer chance to find thee, must thou perish, an so God will it. Thus do we leave thee in the hands of God to grant thee life or death: and may he have mercy on thy guilty soul!"

Ira said he see you coming up the road, and I was determined you shouldn't drive by without speaking. Do come in." "I propose to, Sister Ball," was the grim-lipped reply. He came into the house and took the proffered chair in the sitting room. They spoke of the weather, of the tide, and of the clam harvest. The farm crops back of Big Wreck Cove did not interest Cap'n Ira.

Slowly she lifted her head, and setting white hands 'neath dimpled chin, met his frown with eyes of gentleness. "Nay, first put up thy dagger, my lord." "Helen," said he again, grim-lipped, "whom dost wait for?" "Nay, first put up thy dagger, messire." Frowning he obeyed, and came a pace nearer. "What do you here with pen and ink-horn?" "My lord, I write." "To whom?" "To such as it pleaseth me."