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"I'm going to call on Dad for some reinforcements." "Oh, we can handle that Del Pinzo gang!" boasted Yellin' Kid. "We could if they'd fight fair and even, maybe," assented Bud. "But they'll be on the lookout for trouble, now, and they'll have a big gang of Greasers with them.

They might have known, though, what our plans was, if I hadn't cracked their spy on the head!" said Snake, calmly. "You did what?" asked Slim. "Just as I got t' th' place where I could look in," went on the cowboy, "I saw one of them Greasers up t' the same trick I was tryin' to pull off. He was sneakin' down this way, but I saw him first.

Well, it's up to Gene. And they're goin' to back him. I reckon, Miss Hammond, there'd be dead Greasers round that camp long ago if Nels and Monty were foot-loose. They're beholdin' to Gene. That's plain. And, Lord! how it tickles me to watch them! Both packin' two forty-fives, butts swingin' clear. There's twenty-four shots in them four guns. And there's twenty-three guerrillas.

You always was a willful son-of-a-gun," testified his partner, with a grin. "And I reckon I'll have to stay with you to pack you home after the greasers have shot you up." "Don't you ever think it, Steve," came back the cheerful retort. "I've got a hunch this is my lucky game. I'm sitting in to win, old hoss." "What's your first play, Dick?"

"Hooray for old Missouri!" shouts a teamster. "Come, boys! Let's show these yer greasers a Virginny break-down. `Cl'ar the kitchen, old folks, young folks." "Go it hoe and toe! `Old Virginny nebir tire!" "Viva el Gobernador! Viva Armijo! Viva! viva!" An arrival at this moment caused a sensation in the room.

"I reckon you can hope only be prepared. That's all. It's hard. But these damned deals are common out here in the West." "Suppose Beasley comes here!" exclaimed Helen, and again her hand went out toward him. "If he does, you refuse to get off," replied Dale. "But don't let him or his greasers put a dirty hand on you.

"Why, there must be fifty feet or more here. Now let's see. Where is the blow-off valve of this boiler?" "This is it, isn't it?" asked Jack, indicating a valve, with wheel-controlled outlet near the base of the boiler. "That's it. Now then for a monkey wrench and then we are all ready to give those greasers the surprise of their lives in case they try an attack upon this side of the stockade."

Gilbert, who bought him in Kentucky for his own private use, but when he found that I was going into the army he gave him to me, with the assurance that Fletcher and his band could never make a prisoner of me while I was on his back. I lost my old horse, Ranger, at the time I was captured by the Greasers, and he was killed at the battle of Querétaro.

It was a shame to take your money this way, but bein' as you're half-white it was up to me to save you the humiliatin' agony of losin' it to Greasers." The half-breed pocketed the coins as the other buttoned his shirt and took another long pull at the bottle. "Wer' you goin' now?" he asked as the cowpuncher started for the door. The man paused and regarded him critically.

But while all men knew the "greasers" had gone, and many wondered why, and none at Almy could tell, there was abundant reason to believe they would soon reappear. Much news had been coming in news from Crook's column along the Mogollon and the eastward foothills good news, too, for far and wide the Indians were heeding his Gospel of Peace, which, tersely translated, read: "Come in and be fed.