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But for M. Paul they would never have caught the slippery devil, never! Ah, what a triumph for M. Paul! He would have the whole department bowing down to him now. And Gibelin! Eh, eh! Gibelin! Tignol closed the iron gate carefully behind him and walked down the graveled walk with as little crunching as possible.

She did not return as soon as I had expected her, and and I groped my way out into the garden to await her there. But as I stepped from the porch a wonderful thing happened, Harry. I I missed my footing and fell headlong down the steps to the graveled walk below, and the shock restored my sight. Oh! look at me, Harry!" she exclaimed, with quivering intensity, holding out her white arms toward him.

"They cheered me, and I shall respond!" and before he could utter one word of protest she had sped like a swallow down the graveled path and out through the great arched gateway into the very midst of the throng of merry maidens and young men who were gathered with hilarious glee around the roaring bonfire.

"He cannot see us," said Chayne, with a smile, and he set his arm about her waist; and so they stood very quietly. The house was built a few yards back from the road, and on each side of it the high wall of the garden curved in toward it, making thus an open graveled space in front of its windows.

But although all these precautions were taken with the principal entrances to the citadel, a wooden shutter and a slender iron bar, light enough to be lifted by a child, were considered sufficient safeguard for the half-glass door which opened out of the breakfast-room into the graveled pathway and smooth turf in the courtyard. It was by this outlet that Lady Audley meant to make her escape.

"There's Aikenside," he said, at last, and it was not long before they passed through the gate, guarded by the great bronze lions, and struck into the graveled road leading to the house. "It's grander, finer, than I ever dreamed. Oh! if I could some time have just such a home! and doctor, look! What does make that water go up in the air so? Is it what they call a fountain?"

"Well, I'se gwine wid him. Ef he go wid de Union, I goes. Ef he go wid ole Virginy, I go wid ole Virginy. Whichever way he go, dat's de right way " "Dat's so, too!" Ben responded fervently. Sam advanced to the old butler with the quick step of the days when he was his efficient helper. "What ye want me ter do?" Ben led him to the portico and pointed down the white graveled way to Washington.

Their departure caused him to search the heavens once more, and he knew that he was looking for Lannes, who could not come. Now von Arnheim passed down the graveled walk that led to the great central gate, but, half way, turned from it and began to talk to some sentinels who stood on the grass. He was certainly a fine fellow, tall, well built, and yet free from the German stoutness of figure.

The stranger sped quickly up the graveled walk, and, as Dorothy had done but a short time before, drew cautiously up to the brilliantly lighted window, threw back her veil, and peered breathlessly in upon the gorgeous scene. As the light fell athwart her, you and I, dear reader, can easily recognize the marble-white face of Nadine Holt.

As I turned into the broad graveled way which led past the garden up to the house, I saw a tall and well-known figure standing before the door, and he came toward me with a smile as I threw myself from the saddle. "Ah, Tom," he cried, "I thought I should see you soon," and he took my hand warmly.