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Updated: August 17, 2024

An murderin's a graat sin, wheder it's witches or oother foak, 'In t' books they doan't coe it t' Witch's Pool at aw, said Louie, obstinately. 'They coe it t' Mermaid's Pool. 'An anoother book coes it a "Hammer-dry-ad," said David, mockingly, 'soa theer yo are.

A thought ye wur farmin' in Victoria," he replied. "An' Collins is a purty common name, so it is; an' A did n't hear yer Chris'n name at all at all. But ye'll stap wi' me the night, an' we'll hev a graat cronia about oul' times." "That's just what I was looking forward to, Rory. Which way are you going now?" "No matther, Tammas.

"Anything ketchin' about it?" Silas asked, cunningly. "No, indeed!" said the Doctor, "catching? no, what put that into your head, Mr. Peckham?" "Well, Doctor," the conscientious Principal answered, "I naterally feel a graat responsibility, a very graaat responsibility, for the noomerous and lovely young ladies committed to my charge.

"Anything ketchin' about it?" Silas asked, cunningly. "No, indeed!" said the Doctor, "catching? no, what put that into your head, Mr. Peckham?" "Well, Doctor," the conscientious Principal answered, "I naterally feel a graat responsibility, a very graaat responsibility, for the noomerous and lovely young ladies committed to my charge.

"Wondhers'll niver quit saisin'. At home, iv a body hed twenty English acres o' good lay lan', at a raisonable rent let alone a graat farrum like thon he needn't do a han's turn the year roun', beyant givin' ordhers; an' he would hev lavin's iv iverything, an' a brave shoot o' clo'es till his back, an' mebbe a gool' watch, furbye money in his pocket. Bates all! Bates all!"

Ve vill broceed in dis vay " said this great and good and venerable financier, with Alsatian good-humor. Birotteau doubted no longer; he was a merchant, and new very well that those who have no intention of rendering a service never enter into the details of executing it. "I neet not tell you dat der Bank demands of all, graat and small alaike, dree zignatures.

But one white and sickly fellow looked back to say: "An' it's a graat pity for a yoong mon like you, sir, to be doin' Muster Melrose's dirty work taakin' o' the police as though yo' had 'em oop your sleeve!" "Haven't I done what I could for you?" cried Faversham, stung by the reproach, and its effect on Lydia's face. "Aye mebbe but it's nowt to boast on."

Don't you see it rising everywhere from the woods?" "The sylvan gods are none of my clan," remarked Adam, shifting his position impatiently, "and it's little I know of them. There's a graat dail of ignorance consailed aboot my pairson." Louis Satanette laughed with enjoyment: "Well, au revoir. I will put up my sail when I turn the points.

He found himself between two fat farmers, and this was the conversation broad Lincolnshire, of course: 'Did tha hear Lady Mildred Wharton say them things, Willum? 'Aye, a did. 'What did tha think, Willum? 'What did tha think, George? 'Wal, aa thowt Laady Mildred Wharton wor a graät fule, Willum, if tha asks me. 'I'll uphowd tha, George!

"An' one cove, he was stopped close in front o' the butt end o' the log at the time; an' he jumps off his horse, an' sticks his head in the holler o' the log, an' lets a oath out of him. Fearful feller to swear, he was. "No matter hees name," interposed Helsmok; "he have yoined der graat mayority too."

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