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Wrandall, waving Booth aside and sinking stiffly into her chair. Her husband sat down. Their jaws set hard. "Thank you, Vivian," said Sara, surprised in spite of herself. "You are nobler than I " "Please don't thank me, Sara," said Vivian icily. "I was speaking for Miss Castleton." Sara flushed. "I suppose it is useless to ask you to be fair to Sara Gooch, as you choose to call me."

Then, as he proved unmanageable and would not leave his patient, neither would she leave him, and through the frightful night that ensued, there was quite employment enough for them both. Gooch fully thought the end would come before morning, and was murmuring something about a clergyman, but was cut short by a sharp prohibition.

Push me over a receipt." "Let me out." "Anon, gossip, anon. Shakespeare. First, the receipt." Mr. Gooch scribbled a few words in his notebook and tore out the page. Psmith thanked him. "I will see that it reaches Comrade Spaghetti," he said. "And now to a more important matter. Don't put away that notebook. Turn to a clean page, moisten your pencil, and write as follows. Are you ready?

In two of the gloomiest and dirtiest little rooms in the dirtiest and gloomiest of little streets that dangle at loose ends from the courthouse yard, Mr. Gooch had his office. It was a small dark place that suggested nothing so much as an overflowing scrap-basket.

He was fond of likening his suite of office rooms to the bottom of a ship. The rooms were three in number, with a door opening from one to another. These doors could also be closed. "Ships," Lawyer Gooch would say, "are constructed for safety, with separate, water-tight compartments in their bottoms. If one compartment springs a leak it fills with water; but the good ship goes on unhurt.

The average weight of the normal liver is from 50 to 55 ounces, but as noted by Powell, it may become so hypertrophic as to weigh as much as 40 pounds. Bonet describes a liver weighing 18 pounds; and in his "Medical and Surgical Observations," Gooch speaks of a liver weighing 28 pounds.

"I know now what my father meant when he said you were the justest man he ever knew!" she said timidly, lifting a pair of shining eyes. "Unfortunately for Donald the Court does not share my opinion. It is not known even by the family as yet, but Mr. Gooch tells me that Donald has been indicted by the grand jury." "Indicted!" "Yes, he can never return to Kentucky without standing his trial.

"I wanted to use your mileage book, dear," said Connie sweetly. "How long do you suppose it will be, Mr. Wicker, before Mr. Gooch comes in?" "Any minute now," said Noah, smoothing down his hair with an inky finger. "I I think the clock is a little fast." Then as Connie laughed, he jerked up the top of his desk and disappeared behind it. "Stuffy old place!" said Connie, wandering about the room.

"But Mr Gooch the bailiff says there is a flaw, as he calls it, in the lease; but what that means I don't know, except that it's not all right, and that father must turn out, whether he likes it or not," answered Dick Hargrave, who was standing near, and occasionally giving Ben a helping hand.

Our next-door neighbour had a kennel of homesick, discontented, and sleepless puppies of various breeds, that were in the habit of howling all night until Mrs. Bobby expostulated with Mrs. Gooch in my behalf. She told me that she found Mrs. Gooch very snorty, very snorty indeed, because the pups were an 'obby of her 'usbants; whereupon Mrs. Bobby responded that if Mrs.