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A great river is more fit for poetry than to adorn a neighbourhood; its sweep of waters increases the scale of the scenery and the distance of one notable object from another; and a lively burn gives us, in the space of a few yards, a greater variety of promontory and islet, of cascade, shallow goil, and boiling pool, with answerable changes both of song and colour, than a navigable stream in many hundred miles.

You chase aroun' fer Lizzie, an' if de goil ain't got no udder date, yet kin meet us here 'bout moondown, an' we'll bring yer a brace er frawgs. So long, Mame! Remember dat I loves yer!" With a partly mollified sniff, the lady retired to her gate-post, and the two adventurers went on.

Slip me a five now and the other twenty if I get it." Kennedy appeared to consider. "I'm on the level," pursued the dip. "Me and the goil is in hard luck with a mouthpiece who wants fifty bucks to beat the case for one of the best tools we ever had in our mob that they got right to-day." "From that I take it that one of your pals needs fifty dollars for a lawyer to get him out of jail.

De trouble is 'er sister woiks in de same place. We got ter git dat girl fired, and den it'll be easy goin'. De goil gits home widout de sister findin' out about it, she tells Shepard. I don't quite pipe de dope on dis butt-in guy. But he sure spoiled Shepard's beauty fer a week. Dere's only one t'ing I kin suspect." "All right, shoot it. You know I'm busy.

A face peered down at her from a high chair behind the champing machine. "'Goil wanted, is what it says. Goil!" "I I ain't old," she faltered. "Cut cards?" "I Try me." "Five a week." "Why yes." "Hang your coat and hat behind the sink." Before noon, a waste of miscut cards about her, she cut her hand slightly, fumbling at the machine, and cried out.

The style in wives is changin'. Actresses is goin' out an' the 'poor but honest workin' goil' is comin' in. One of our salesladies has a book about it. "The Bowery Bride" its name is. All about a shop goil what married a rich fellow and used to come back to the store and take her old friends carriage ridin'. If Rosie Rosenbaum tries it on me, I'll break her face.

Adna saw the taxicab pass over the valise she had carried. It left no trace of Kedzie. Her annihilation was uncanny. He gaped. "Where's Kedzie?" Mrs. Thropp screamed. A policeman checked the traffic with uplifted hand. Adna ran to him. Mrs. Thropp told him what had happened. "I saw the goil drop the bag and beat it for the walk," said the officer. "Which way'd she go?"

Such a fine young man, the clerk says; he's been abroad six months and just landed yesterday and been with her all day. When I think of the chances that goil had. Why, Marcus Finberg, who was down here last week, was crazy about her!" "Did you say that fellow's name was Arnheim?" "Yes. 'Ain't you heard of the Arnheim models?

And, after you've found out, you can take the rest of the day off." "Me fer dat," said Master Maloney with enthusiasm. "I'll take me goil to de Bronx Zoo." "Your girl? I didn't know you'd got a girl, Pugsy. I always imagined you as one of those strong, stern, blood-and-iron men who despised girls. Who is she?" "Aw, she's a kid," said Pugsy. "Her pa runs a delicatessen shop down our street.

But she always says to me, she says, 'Mamma, I ain't goin' to marry till Mr. Right comes along." "That's just the same way with me." "My Bella's had chances not one, but six. You can ask anybody who knows us in New York the chances that goil has had." "I ain't in a hurry to take the first man that asks me, neither." Mrs.