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Updated: August 11, 2024

"I'm neither ghaist nor warlock. Damn ye! gang oot, gin ye be gaun to stick me throu and throu wi' yer een, that gait." "I beg your pardon, Mr Cupples. I didn't mean to be rude," said Alec humbly. "Weel, cut yer stick, I hae eneuch o' ye for ae nicht. I canna stan' glowerin' een, especially i' the heids o' idiots o' innocents like you."

"Doobtless: the Makker has taen a heap o' pains wi the skin! Ony gait, yon lassie's ane amang ten thoosan! Jeemie sud be on his k-nees til her this vera moment no sitting there glowerin as gien his twa een war twa bullets fired aff, but never won oot o' their barrels!" "Hoot! wad ye hae him gang on his k-nees til ony but the Ane!"

He were chuff, were Sam, 'cause he'd getten six pund o' potates off o' one root; I reckoned I'd getten six pund off o' one potate. Well, I were glowerin' at t' potate when a lad com up that I'd niver seen afore. He were a young lad by his size, but he'd an owdish look i' his face, an' he says to me: 'What's yon? "Thou may well axe that, I answered. 'It's a potate.

'Which Madame does not seem likely to get, observed Vandeloup, dryly, with a glance at McIntosh, who was still pacing up and down the room with an expression of wrath on his severe face. 'Ou, ay, said that gentleman, stopping in front of Vandeloup, with a fine expression of scorn. 'I ken weel 'tis me ye are glowerin' at- -div ye no' ken what's the matter wi' me?

"Attention!" shouted Dauvid till his class; an' Bandy Wobster wha was busy glowerin' at the drunkard's liver, an' windrin' what like his ain was, nae doot strak in, without kennin', wi' "Shoulder arms!" an' the laddies roared an' leuch till you wud actually thocht they wudda wranged themsel's.

"Aggie," said Cosmo, as soon as there was no one within hearing, "I dinna like that chield hingin' aboot ye glowerin' at ye as gien he wad ate ye." "He winna du that, Cosmo; he's ceevil eneuch." "Ye sud hae seen sae rouch as he was to Grizzie!" "Grizzie's some rouch hersel' whiles," remarked Aggie quietly. "That's ower true," assented Cosmo; "but a man sud never behave like that til a wuman."

It's a strange thing that the saul of man should be thirled into his perishable body; but the minister saw that, an' his heart didnae break. She didnae stand there lang; she began to move again, an' cam' slowly toward Mr. Soulis whaur he stood under the saughs. A' the life o' his body, a' the strength o' his speerit, were glowerin' frae his een.

Not daring to make any observation, however, he sat with the last leaf still in his hand, and a reverential stare upon his face, which at length produced a remarkable effect upon the object of it. Suddenly lifting his eyes "What are ye glowerin' at me for?" he exclaimed, flinging his book from him, which, missing the table, fell on the floor on the further side of it.

"Saunders wesna tae live through the nicht, but he's livin' this meenut, an' like to live. "He's got by the warst clean and fair, and wi' him that's as good as cure. "It' ill be a graund waukenin' for Bell; she 'ill no be a weedow yet, nor the bairnies fatherless. "There's nae use glowerin' at me, Drumsheugh, for a body's daft at a time, an' a' canna contain masel' and a'm no gaein' tae try."

"Saunders wesna tae live through the nicht, but he's livin' this meenut, an' like to live. "He's got by the warst clean and fair, and wi' him that's as good as cure. "It' ill be a graund waukenin' for Bell; she 'ill no be a weedow yet, nor the bairnies fatherless. "There's nae use glowerin' at me, Drumsheugh, for a body's daft at a time, an' a' canna contain masel' and a'm no gaein' tae try."

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