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I think this a very tidy ghost story; and I am bound to add, as a proper commentary on it, that I have never inhabited a house which affected me with a sense of such intolerable melancholy gloominess as this; without any assignable reason whatever, either in its situation or any of its conditions. YORK FARM, Sunday, December 6th, 1874. My dearest H ,

Luckily, for by that time Jim Hooker had, with characteristic gloominess, found time to taste the pangs of envy an envy the more keen since, in spite of his success as a peaceful contractor, he had always secretly longed for military display and distinction. He looked at the man who had achieved it, as he firmly believed, by sheer luck and accident, and his eyes darkened.

Eating, fighting, breeding in the humid gloominess of the vegetation shrouded swamps, their bellows and roars sometimes at night thundered right through Porno, a reminder of Nature yet untamed.

It had been a dreary depressing day with the cold rain beating on the rattling window panes and a complaining wind whistling mournfully through the bare trees. The young man's face almost seemed to reflect the gloominess of the dull gray evening sky into which he gazed with the vain hope of discovering a let-up that at least would permit a pleasant evening's walk.

There was a kind of dim gloominess over all objects; and as there were no bright lights, there were no deep shadows the consequence of which was a sureness of effect over the landscape, that robbed it of many of its usual beauties.

"Just look into the water, my little miss, and tell me whether you look as you used to." "Then you would say, Mr. Gottlieb, that by some magic spell you have driven away Miss Sophia's gloominess?" "Yes, I can say Miss Sophia's also." "Also? that is a bold speech!" "Are you angry?" "Oh, Gottlieb!" "Ah, Miss Nanna. Are you weeping?" "Mr.

At the palace the Chancellor met me in the anteroom. His face was grave almost to gloominess. "Have you ever seen a King angry?" he asked. "Ah, it is not a pleasant sight, on my word; least of all, to the one who has caused a King's anger." "You alarm me," I said. "Have I done aught to bring the anger of the King upon my head?" "Ah, but you have! The King is like a bear in his den.

Now, don't you really think we'd better chuck it; we're sure to catch it for interfering. We always do. 'The cross of true love never did come smooth, said the Dentist. 'We ought to help him to bear his cross. 'But if we find her for him, and she's not his grandmother, he'll MARRY her, Dicky said in tones of gloominess and despair. Oswald felt the same, but he said, 'Never mind.

I believe that we may trace to tea, gloominess, misanthropy, loss of cheerfulness, a restless energy without fixity of purpose, a sour temper, a morbid and abnormal simplicity, leading to intellectual retrogression instead of progress, and to a tendency to yield to superstitious fancies, with loss of control over reason and its advancement.

As usual, he was homesick; and whenever a week was ended he left the school-house for his mother's, and never returned until the following Monday morning. His kind patrons noticed with surprise that he seemed sad and depressed after the expulsion of Grid, and that this gloominess was deepened about the time of Snow's ball. Barton came to take a real pleasure in his school.