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Her companion, with natural civility, anticipated her purpose; but, what was not quite so much in etiquette, he took a sly glance at it as he was about to hand it to her, and his eye having caught the subscription, he said, with surprise, "Glenvarloch Nigel Olifaunt of Glenvarloch! Do you know the Lord Glenvarloch, mistress?" "I know not of whom you speak," said Mrs. Martha, peevishly.

"And your lordship's unhappy circumstances having, it would seem, alarmed these creditors, they are now, I am sorry to say, pressing for one or other of these alternatives possession of the land, or payment of their debt." "They have a right to one or other," answered Lord Glenvarloch; "and as I cannot do the last in my present condition, I suppose they must enter on possession."

To permit the misrepresentation of a friend, my lord, is to share in the slander." "You have been misinformed, my Lord Glenvarloch," said Sir Ewes Haldimund; "I have myself often heard Lord Dalgarno defend your character, and regret that your exclusive attachment to the pleasures of a London life prevented your paying your duty regularly to the King and Prince."

I bear a heart, to stand by a friend in the worst of times." So saying, he wished Lord Glenvarloch farewell; who felt as heartily rejoiced at his departure, though it may be a bold word, as any person who had ever undergone his society. But, when left to his own reflections, Nigel could not help feeling solitude nearly as irksome as the company of Sir Mungo Malagrowther.

"Welcome most welcome, mine honest landlord!" said Lord Glenvarloch. "How could I have dreamt of seeing you in my present close lodgings?" And at the same time, with the frankness of old kindness, he walked up to Christie and offered his hand; but John started back as from the look of a basilisk.

"He might mean well," she said, "but he ought to know that the miserable had no friends." Nigel said, "He would not willingly be importunate, but, as he was about to leave the Friars " She interrupted him "You are about to leave the Friars? I will go with you." "You go with me!" exclaimed Lord Glenvarloch. "Yes," she said, "I will persuade my father to leave this murdering den."

Nevertheless, to do justice and exercise judgment is our meat and drink; and now we are to pray your wisdom to consider the case of this unhappy youth, Lord Glenvarloch, and see whether, consistently with our honour, any thing can be done in his favour."

"For shame, man, for shame!" said Martha; "since the infamy of the deed must be told, be it at least briefly. Yes, my lord," she added, addressing Glenvarloch, "the piece of gold was not the sole bait which brought the miserable old man to your chamber that dreadful night his object, and he accomplished it, was to purloin this paper.

This, however, was a conviction which he adopted slowly, and only as it dawned upon him from particular circumstances during the course of the repast. At length the prison-meal was finished, and Lord Glenvarloch began to think how he might most easily enter upon the topic he meditated, when the warder announced a visitor.

She undid the fatal noose; and, laying the old man's body in the arms of Lord Glenvarloch, she ran for water, for spirits, for essences, in the vain hope that life might be only suspended. That hope proved indeed vain.