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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Be that as it may, though I feel confident that all I predict will come to pass, I desire to have one thing understood: when you have lost your fortune, or wasted it on the hireling armies of the North, or on ships for its navy, you may always be sure of a home at Glenfield for yourself and all your family."

Here is old Nancy shaking her head, and wondering why she does not get home to her dinner. Do you get into the cart, and I will get the station-master to put your trunk in for us." Hilda obeyed in silence; and climbing into the neat wagon, took her seat and looked about her while Dame Hartley bustled off in search of the station-master. There was not very much to look at at Glenfield station.

"Not at all, for, as I said, my cousin Corny was brought up in the South, at Glenfield, near Mobile," protested the ailing officer, who was careful this time not to use the word "raised." "Where were you yesterday, Corny?" asked Christy, suddenly suppressing his mirth. "I was in New York, preparing to come on board of the Vernon." "Then you were not at Bonnydale?" demanded Christy sharply.

"Certainly you can, if no accident interferes with my plans. You really want to go home?" "To be sure I do. How cruel it is of you to ask me such a question!" "Then I won't ask it again. But perhaps you will not be able to come to Glenfield again for years," added Captain Passford, looking earnestly into her face. "What makes you look at me so, papa? What have I done?

"Captain Passford!" exclaimed Percy, bowing to both gentlemen as he was presented to them. "That is a familiar name to me; and upon my word, I thought it was Colonel Passford of Glenfield when I first looked at him." "He is my brother; but I never heard him called 'colonel' before," added the owner, laughing at the odd-sounding title, as it was to him.

Christy had done nothing to cause him to be set free; for the Bellevite, though she had beaten off several steamers that attempted to capture her, was not in the regular service at the time, her mission in the South being simply to bring home the daughter of her owner, who had passed the winter with her uncle at Glenfield.

And Dave distributed freely deeds to some valueless outlots, which Plausaby had given him for the purpose. As long as he could, Charlton kept Katy at Glenfield. He amused her by every means in his power; he devoted himself to her; he sought to win her away from Westcott, not by argument, to which she was invulnerable, but by feeling.

Mulgate; but Florry cares no more about you than she does about Uncle Pedro, my father's house-servant. She saw you both at Glenfield, and I can't tell which she likes best." "We had better drop the subject," added Captain Carboneer. "Drop it, then," replied Mulgate sullenly. "Get over the fence, Corny. Nobody is using that sailboat, and we may as well take it for a while."

Except Uncle Jerry and Aunty Chloe, the cook, all our negroes have left us, or been taken by the government to work on fortifications, and my wife and Gerty have to do most of the housework," replied Uncle Homer very gloomily; and it was plain to Christy that the mansion at Glenfield was not what it had been in former years. "How is Corny? I have not heard from him lately."

"I believe there will be danger in my undertaking, though to what extent I am unable to say." "But you do not tell me how you intend to recover Florry." "I intend to go for her and my brother's family in the Bellevite." "In the Bellevite!" exclaimed the lady. "Of course; there is no other possible way to reach Glenfield," which was the name that Homer Passford had given to his plantation.

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