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Updated: August 3, 2024

Non sic causa intelligi debet, ut quod cuique antecedat, id ei causa sit; sed quod cuique EFFICIENTER antecedat. Causis enim efficientibus quamque rem cognitis, posse denique sciri quid futurum esset."

At hoc, Chrysippe, minime vis, maximeque tibi de hoc ipso cum Diodoro certamen est. Ille enim id solum fieri posse dicit, quod aut sit verum, aut futurum sit verum; et quicquid futurum sit, id dicit fieri necesse esse; et quicquid non sit futurum, id negat fieri posse.

After that we had tarried there a few dayes at the cost and charges of the whole Village, and had gotten much mony by our divination and prognostication of things to come: The priests of the goddesse Siria invented a new meanes to picke mens purses, for they had certaine lotts, whereon were written: Coniuncti terram proscindunt boves ut in futurum loeta germinent sata

I have so high a veneration, or rather idolatrization, for the clerical character, that even a little futurum esse priestling, with his penna pennae, throws an awe over my mind in his presence, and shortens my sentences into single ideas. Farewell, and believe me to be ever, my dear Sir, yours, LVIII. To MR. ROBERT MUIR, KILMARNOCK. STIRLING, 26th August 1787.

Cum priores rerum scriptores considero, deterreor a scribendo; cum vero nostri temporis, nonnihil confido, sperans me paucis inferiorem futurum, si omnino nervos intendero. IV. He did not remain in England long after this; soon after the midsummer of 1422 he left this country.

So when Sir Charles's agent proposed to him certain silver coins, cheap at a little treachery, the ebony ape grinned till he turned half ivory, and became a spy in the house of his mistress. The reader will have gathered that the good Sir Charles had been quietly in London some hours before he announced himself as paulo post futurum.

His hopes are usually in nubibus, and his expectations in the paulo post futurum tense. Montesinos. His state is the more gracious then because his enjoyment is always to come. It is however a real satisfaction to me that there is some sunshine in your prospect. Sir Thomas More.

For mood see A. 268; G. 251; H 486, II. AUT NON MISER ... AUT BEATUS: a dilemma, but unsound and not conclusive; for non miser is used with reference to annihilation, and the soul may exist after death in a state of unhappiness. FUTURUS SUM: see n. on 6 futurum est.

Hadn't you better turn in and try and get some sleep? One always thinks one can't, but one generally does." "Yes; I think I had better," I said, getting up. I turned one lamp out and the other down. "It's odd I wonder what the ultimate, future event will be" "'Quid sit futurum eras, fuge quaerere," answered Dick, with a laugh, as he turned and settled himself on the couch.

Simply because you cannot trust those who are acting with me in the paulo post futurum. Is that a sound rule of political action? You think much, as I do, of the importance of the Land Question.

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