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"Ain't it plum foolish-like o' them two gesabes to go flyin' up in the air like two he-hens on a hot plate for nothin' in the world but because a neat lookin' feemale woman has looked at 'em some soft? "We has two or three more palavers with the Signorita Esperanza and stacks the deck to beat the harbor police and the Customs people an' all, an' to nip down the coast with our contraband.

"Exactly seem foolish-like; and that's very bad for the poor things that be so, though I only guess as much, to be sure," said Grandfer Cantle, still strenuously preserving a sensible bearing and mien. "Ah, well, I was at church that day," said Fairway, "which was a very curious thing to happen." "If 'twasn't my name's Simple," said the Grandfer emphatically.

"Exactly seem foolish-like; and that's very bad for the poor things that be so, though I only guess as much, to be sure," said Grandfer Cantle, still strenuously preserving a sensible bearing and mien. "Ah, well, I was at church that day," said Fairway, "which was a very curious thing to happen." "If 'twasn't my name's Simple," said the Grandfer emphatically.

"That's why they went away to be married, I count. You see, after kicking up such a nunny-watch and forbidding the banns 'twould have made Mis'ess Yeobright seem foolish-like to have a banging wedding in the same parish all as if she'd never gainsaid it."

"Wa'al what seems ridic'lous to one body sometimes seems right sensible ter another." "Hit sounded mighty foolish-like ter me," she insisted, then, as if in after thought, she added, "but I'd hate mightily ter hev ye think I wasn't willin' ter give ye all ther rope ye wants ter hang yoreself with. Come on over, Bas, whenever ye've a mind ter. Ef ye kin convert me, do hit an' welcome."

'That was Budmouth postmaster, and he says there's a letter for me. Ah, I now call to mind that there was a letter in the candle three days ago this very night a large red one; but foolish-like I thought nothing o't. Who can that letter be from?

Stokes, "and, foolish-like, he went outside a 'bus with me the other night and made it worse." "Oh-h!" said Mrs. Henshaw, slowly. "Indeed! Really!" "He's quite curious to see George," said Mr. Stokes. "In fact, he was going back to Ireland tonight if it 'adn't been for that. He's waiting till to-morrow just to see George." Mr.

And then I hears a scratch, scratch, scratching, and 'Drat the mice, says I; but I didn't take any notice, and then there was a little tap, tapping, like a bird would make with its beak on the window-pane, and I went and opened it, thinking it was a bird that had lost its way and was coming foolish-like, as they will, to the light. So I drew the curtain and opened the window, and it was William!

"'Tis the French lingo," says he, foolish-like, "and if it's not that, 'tis the German leastwise no Christian man that I know of could distinguish between 'em." "Peter," says I, "that's what you learn in the asylum. 'Tis no more the French lingo than your own. Why, hearken to it."

He stood there for a moment smiling at us foolish-like, and then 'e let go o' the beer-injin, wot 'e was 'olding in 'is left hand, and sat down heavy on the bar floor. We both put our 'eads over the counter to see wot had 'appened to 'im, and 'e started making the most 'orrible noise I 'ave ever heard in my life. I wonder it didn't bring the fire-injins.