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Updated: August 27, 2024

Beyond that stood the big house, its native brick settling back slowly into the same earth from which it had been molded in 1795. In the pasture were the brood mares, five of them, each with an attendant foal, all long legs and broom tail, still young enough to be bewildered by so large and new a world.

Also he gave a fine one-year-old foal in charge to the coachman, who tied it to the side of the carriage; and Marcus bid him deliver it up safely to the pastor of Rehewinkel, his good friend, for he had only been keeping the young thing at grass for him, and the pastor now wished it back they must therefore go by Rehewinkel.

Shore, the cats has been chasin' the mare an' foal, an' they locoes 'em to that extent they don't know where they're headin' an' makes the death jump I relates. I bangs away with my six-shooter, but beyond givin' the mountain lions a convulsive start I can't say I does any execootion. They turns an' goes streakin' it through the pine woods like a drunkard to a barn raisin'. "Timid? Shore!

And when he had got well past the cleft in the rock, the youngest foal said: 'Jump up on my back, my lad, for we've a long way before us still. So Boots jumped up on his back. So they went on, and on, a long, long way. 'Do you see anything now', said the Foal. 'No', said Boots. So they went on a good bit farther. 'Do you see anything now? asked the Foal. 'Oh no', said the lad.

I have a good mind to learn the Differential Calculus myself, only on purpose to bore you with it when you come home." "By the bye, Corrella has got a foal. Such a dear little duck of a thing, with a soft brown nose, and sweet long ears, like leaves! Do come back and see it; I am so very, very lonely!" "I hope Mr. Halbert is pretty well, and that his wound is getting quite right again.

But the washerman was so impatient that he went to the teacher several times before the day appointed, and was informed that the foal was beginning to learn manners, that its ears were already become very much shorter, and, in short, that it was making satisfactory progress.

He say, please ma'am, come quick as Shazee kin fotch yo' fo' de Empress, she mighty bad an' " "What has happened to her, Bud?" interrupted Peggy, turning to spring upon Shashai's back, but pausing to learn some particulars. The Empress was one of the most valuable brood mares upon the estate and her foal, still dependent upon her for its nourishment, was Peggy's pride and joy.

The stallions, however, charge at them; and they take flight only, however, to return and secure a straggling foal, to whose rescue the mother comes, and herself perishes.

"You may be a monthly nurse for all I care, but you've got to answer when you're called, or else I'll get the bailiff to give you a talking-to. Do you understand?" "Yes, oh yes! Mr. Pupil must excuse me, but I didn't hear." "Well, will you please remember that Aspasia's not to go out to pasture to-morrow." "Is she going to calve?" "Yes, of course! Did you think she was going to foal?"

So soon as Cora and Alice were seated, the scout, without regarding the element, directed Heyward to support one side of the frail vessel, and posting himself at the other, they bore it up against the stream, followed by the dejected owner of the dead foal.

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