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"My head!" he exclaimed bitterly. "I got you into this, all of you but it will take more than my head to get you out. If I could stand for it myself, I'd do it but I can't without dragging you in too we're too intimately mixed up. If I said it was a deal of mine they'd ask where Helena came from they'd ask where you came from, Flopper. We're beaten beaten every way we turn.

His gray eyes travelled from one to another, lingered an instant on Helena, and came back to the Flopper. "What's the trouble?" he demanded quietly. It was Pale Face Harry who answered him. "The Flopper's got it in for a couple of ginks that handed him one a bull and a chauffeur on a gape-wagon," he grinned, punctuating his words with a cough.

And that's the way it's got both of you too, eh? Well, that only makes our game the safer and the more certain, doesn't it? So, come on now, pull yourselves together." "In de last act when I was gettin' me head into joint," mumbled the Flopper, "was when de kid yelled I can hear it yet, an' " "Forget it!"

"If no one will drive him, he shall have my wheel-chair," announced Mrs. Thornton impulsively. "I think it is a perfect shame the poor man!" "Nonsense!" said Thornton gruffly. "You'll do nothing of the kind." "Yes, Robert, I will," declared Mrs. Thornton with determination. She leaned forward and called to the Flopper. "Mr.

"Stall nothin'! De driver held me up fer some of it, an' de cop pinched de rest." "And you the king of Floppers!" breathed Pale Face Harry sadly. "D'ye hear that, Helena? Come over here and listen. Go ahead, Flopper, tell us about it." Helena rose from the couch and came over to the table. "Poor Flopper!" said she sweetly. "Shut up!" snapped the Flopper savagely.

"Beat it!" rasped the officer roughly, "or I'll hullo, what you got here? Open your hand!" he gave a sharp twist as he spoke, the Flopper's fingers uncurled, and the money dropped into the policeman's other hand held conveniently below the Flopper's. "It's mine gimme it back," whined the Flopper. "Yours! Yours, is it!" growled the officer. "Where'd you get it? Stole it, eh?

"We'll pull it off out there on the lawn where all the multitude can see you'll have to lead his nibs out and guide him to the Flopper while the hush falls and you look kind of scared you know the lay. There's no one can touch you when it comes to playing up to the house.

There was a group around the Flopper on the Portland platform beside the Bar Harbor express; some wore pitying expressions, others smiled a little tolerantly Pale Face Harry, from the circle, sneered openly. "Nutty!" he coughed, and touched his forehead. "Nothing doing in the upper story some one ought to look after him."

The farmers left their work in the fields and hurried into the village; from the houses and cottages came the women and children to cluster around the Congress Hotel; from the station, scarcely of less interest to the inhabitants than the Flopper himself, straggled in those curious enough to have left the train, nearly a dozen of them and amongst them Pale Face Harry coughed, as he trudged laboriously along.

It was very good of you to come, Mr. ?" she paused invitingly. "Coogan," supplied the Flopper. "Michael Coogan." "Let me offer you a chair, Mr. Coogan," said Thornton, a little ironically, pushing one toward the Flopper. "Or would you be more comfortable on the floor?" The Flopper's eyelids fell covering a quick, ugly glint. "T'anks!" he said and swung himself, by his arms, into the chair.