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This was in earnest. The excitement was furious. The galleries were in commotion in an instant, the reporters swarmed to their places. Idling members of the House flocked to their seats, nervous gentlemen sprang to their feet, pages flew hither and thither, life and animation were visible everywhere, all the long ranks of faces in the building were kindled. "This thing decides it!" thought Mr.

Harry said it almost petulantly. "I did n't even know she " "Oyez, oyez, oyez!" It was the bailiff, using a regular district-court introduction of the fact that an inquest was about to be held. The crowded room sighed and settled. The windows became frames for human faces, staring from without. The coroner stepped forward.

I glanced around the circle at the blanched faces of the ladies, seeing such a serious turn to their jest, and would not even then have drawn, but the men made no effort to interfere, so I only answered him, "Nay, I'll wear my cloak," when he made a quick lunge at me.

She then proposed to them to go to the school-house, which was near by, and see their cousins. This, too, N declined. He said to his brother, "Charley, we must go home." And they took hold of hands and ran all the way as fast as possible, and immediately on entering the house, their faces as red as scarlet, N confessed to his mother where they had been, and asked her forgiveness.

"Knew!" he repeated, shaking his finger at the expectant faces. "Knew well! But I am not going to tell you his name at this moment. For the present we will call him Mr. Burchill paused for a moment, to give full effect to this dramatic announcement, which, to tell truth, certainly impressed every member of his audience but one.

A city where American faces were still to be seen upon all its streets, a cleaner and a kindlier town, with more courtesy in its life, less of the vulgar scramble. A city of houses, separate homes, of quiet streets with rustling trees, with people on the doorsteps upon warm summer evenings and groups of youngsters singing as they came trooping by in the dark. A place of music and romance.

"Dese men haf tiger faces.... I shall send somebody to vetch mein bits of dings." "Where are you going, sir?" "Vere it shall blease Gott," returned Pons' universal legatee with supreme indifference. "Send me word," said Villemot. Fraisier turned to the head-clerk. "Go after him," he whispered. Mme. Cantinet was left in charge, with a provision of fifty francs paid out of the money that they found.

"Pull away, up there!" It was Frank's voice. Willing hands seized the rope. There was a heavy weight at the end of it. They dragged the weight up, with the smoke rolling into their faces in a cloud that grew denser and denser. And up through the smoke came Sport Harris, irons and all, with the ends of the rope tied about his waist! Frank had found Harris, and here the fellow was.

"No, but here's a note from the 'spy' we denounced," and Jimmy, as he accepted a paper Bob held out, wondered at the happy looks on the faces of his chums. It was explained, however, when he read the note. A glance at the signature told him it was from "Captain Frank Dickerson." "Boys, you only did your duty in exposing me, as you thought you did," wrote the officer.

How she yearned for that native homeliness, those familiar sights, those faces which she had known always, those days that never brought any strange event; that life of sober week-days, and a solemn sabbath at the close!