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Serait-elle revenue expres pour la piece d'Auber. On dit, en effet, que dans tous ses operas, Auber offre le principal role a Mme Moulton, qui possede une voix ravissante. The Emperor once said to Auber: "Dites-moi, quel age avez-vous? On dit que vous avez quatre-vingt ans." "Sire," answered Auber, "je n'ai pas quatre- vingt ans, mais quatre fois vingt ans." Is he not clever?

Toute personne qui, expres ou par negligence, detruira ou deteriorera un objet ou une construction antique, devra etre passible d'une peine a fixer par l'autorite du pays. Aucun deblaiement ni aucune fouille ayant pour objet la recherche d'antiquites ne seront permis sous peine d'amendc, sauf aux personnes autorisees par le Departement des Antiquites du pays.

So what damage the cathedral suffered was from blows delivered not by accident but with intent. As the priests put it, firing on the church was "exprès." The cathedral dominates not only the city but the countryside. It rises from the plain as Gibraltar rises from the sea, as the pyramids rise from the desert.

"So I dine with you, Lord St. George, to-day," said the duke; "whom shall I meet?" "Lord Borodaile, for one," answered St. George; "my brother, Aspeden, Findlater, Orbino, and Linden." "Linden!" cried the duke; "I'm very glad to hear it, c'est un homme fait expres pour moi.

The night before last, having nothing better to do, we went to the theatre; the piece was 'La Perouse, which they have been playing here for the last two months to crowded houses, to exhibit some North American Indians whom some theatrical speculator brought over 'expres', in all the horrors of fur, wampum, and yellow ochre.

"Infame," howled Borodino, "tu l'as fait expres!" "Oui, je l'ai fait expres," said the man, with the most perfect Parisian accent. It was Jeames. Such insolence of course could not be passed unnoticed even after the morning's service, and he was chassed on the spot. He had been but a week in the house.

I told M. Letourneur that I could not help hoping that there might yet be time to reach the land before the last crisis came. Falsten was about to give vent to an expres- sion of despair, but he was soon silenced by Miss Herbey asserting her confidence that all would yet be well. Curtis at once divided the crew into two sets, and made them work incessantly, turn and turn about, at the pumps.

'Do you think she'd take it from you? said the Little Red Doctor, 'after what your mother called her? 'Don't let her know, says our ornamental young weeper. 'Tell her somebody else is doing it. Tell her it's from that white-whiskered old from the elderly and handsome gentleman with the benevolent expres " "Yes: I know," I broke in. "Very good. I'm the goat.

"So I dine with you, Lord St. George, to-day," said the duke; "whom shall I meet?" "Lord Borodaile, for one," answered St. George; "my brother, Aspeden, Findlater, Orbino, and Linden." "Linden!" cried the duke; "I'm very glad to hear it, c'est un homme fait expres pour moi.

By the year 1200, at the height of the Middle Ages, a genuine, hearty enjoyment of the external world was again in existence, and found lively expres- sion in the minstrelsy of different nations, which gives evidence of the sympathy felt with all the simple phenomena of nature spring with its flowers, the green fields and the woods. But these pictures are all foreground without perspective.