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Updated: August 15, 2024

All that expands the spirit yet appals, Gather around these summits, as to show How Earth may pierce to Heaven, yet leave vain man below." It was indeed a sublime and impressive sight one of the grandest views of the Alps to be obtained in Italy.

True energy expresses itself primarily by expansion. Life expands and any increase of new life and all positive emotions cause an increase of expansive activity in the body.

When we enter Turkey, the scene changes, or rather expands. Within its European, as well as its Asiatic empire, travellers of all descriptions, however various their objects, will find rich and ample materials.

Each year, each day, expands him a little further, with increased fulness of character. At thirty he is more than he was at twenty; at fifty more than he was at thirty; at eighty more than he was at fifty. Nothing but a perverted mortal point of view stands in the way of further expansion still. The perverted mortal point of view is one of the impulses we have to struggle with.

Sometimes these little specks of protoplasm are surrounded with beautifully formed "silicious shells a skeleton of radiating spiculae or crystal-clear concentric spheres of exquisite symmetry and beauty. " The simplest amoeba however, has no definite form; but the little mass moves about, expands and contracts, throws out projections on one side and draws them in on the other.

"I love you all all; my old heart expands as I sit in your midst; I am comfortable here, I feel kindly towards you, I am grateful to you; every little attention you show me does me good; for it comes from your hearts: if I could repay you soon and abundantly I should grow young again with joy. You may believe me, as I can see indeed that you do.

My heart was withered and shrunk with exile and sorrow, but I feel that it expands it beats more joyfully now that there is a hope of vengeance." Nebenchari's sullen but burning glance met the flashing eye of the Athenian as he finished his tale; he gave him his hand and said: "We are allies."

Hence the beauty of the system, general and particular here presented, is that, resting down on the eternal and changeless foundations of the spiritual universe, and consequently harmonizing with the spirit of Revelation and with the laws of mind, it rises up and expands into a beautiful exhibition of the fruits of the Gospel, the legitimate product of its holy precepts.

As a wave flaps against a crevice it compresses the air within with the sudden stroke; as it falls back the air as suddenly expands. On lighthouses heavily barred doors have been burst outward by the explosive force of the air within, as it was released from pressure when a partial vacuum was formed by the refluence of the wave.

His mere arrival spurs the young ladies at the counter; their bright eyes storm the customers; he expands in the midst of all the finery, the lace and muslin kerchiefs, that their cunning hands have wrought. Or, again, more often still, before his dinner he waits on a client, copies the page of a newspaper, or carries to the doorkeeper some goods that have been delayed.

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