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Jack's plan was determined upon, and after dinner he went to hitch up his horse to take Harry out to the farm. The family sat in painful suspense for a few moments after Jack went out, and then Mr. Excell said: "My son, we have never been friends, and the time is past when I can expect to win your love and confidence, but I hope you will not go away with any bitterness in your heart toward me."

He went through every pocket of Harold's clothing, and found a torn envelope with the name "Excell" written on it, and a small photo of a little girl with the words, "To Mose from Cora." The young man's smile became a chuckle as he saw these things, and he said to himself: "Nothing here to identify him, eh?" Then to the landlord he said; "I'm from The Star office.

Of course he can't show his muscle, but I tell you he can box and swing dumb-bells." If the father had known it, in the direction of athletics lay the road to the son's heart, but the members of the First Church were not sufficiently advanced to approve of a muscular minister, and so Mr. Excell kept silent on such subjects, and swung his dumb-bells in private.

The Water of Life, 1688 42. Solomon's Temple Spiritualized, 43. The Excell. of a broken heart, 44. His last Sermon at London, 1688 Twelve Manuscripts part of the first folio 1692 45. Exposit. on 10 first chap. of Genesis, 46. Justification by Imputed Righteousness, 47. Paul's departure and crown, 48. Of the Trinity and a Christian, 49. Of the Law and a Christian, 50. Israel's Hope encouraged, 51.

Lawyer Brown believed the boy to be a restless and dangerous spirit, but he said to Bradley: "I've no doubt the boy was provoked by Clint, who is a worthless bully, but we must face the fact that young Excell bears a bad name. He has been in trouble a great many times, and the prosecution will make much of that.

Paolo Zerbinati, Memorie, Ms. in the library of Ferrara, p. 3. The Ms. is in the library of Ferrara: Nicolai Marii Paniciati ferrariensis, Borgias. Ad. Excell.

"Will you promise that?" Harold said, "No, I can't do that. I'm going out West." "I shall not prevent you, my son, but I want you to come and take your place at the table just once. There is a special reason for this. Will you come for a single day?" Harold forced himself to answer, "Yes." Mr. Excell raised his head. "Let us shake hands over your promise, my boy."

To Harold Excell, fresh from the wide spaces of the plains, the town appeared smothered in leaves, and the air was oppressively stagnant. He came into the railway station early one July morning, tired and dusty, with a ride of two days and a night in an ordinary coach.

Maynwaring loved this actress, for nine or ten years before his death, with the strongest passion: It was in some measure owing to his instructions that she became so finished a player; for he understood the action of the stage as well as any man, and took great pleasure to see her excell in it.

Mortals, what one of you that loves not me Abundantly more than my Sisters three? And though you love fire, Earth and Water well Yet Air beyond all these you know t' excell.