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Yet I feels very much for Sir Philip, I said to Flopsie this morning 'Flopsie, I feels for 'im! Yes, I used them very words. Only, of course, he shouldn't 'ave gone with Vi. She's a fine woman certainly but skittish d d skittish! I've allus made it a rule myself to avoid 'er on principle. Lor! if I'd kep' company with 'er and the likes of 'er I shouldn't be the man I am!"

The great lady was now a fine country serving-wench, her shapeliness obscured in a homespun gown that fitted only where it touched, her feet in huge, rough boots, her yellow hair plastered back off her forehead and bunched into one of Jane's 'granny caps, and indeed totally hidden by the large flap thereof, which in Jane's case served the purpose of "keepin' the draf out'n 'er neck-hole" when she was at work in the dairy.

I am not well; Too suddenly I pass from one extreme To this of Joy, more insupportable: But I shall re-assume my health anon, And tell thee all my story. Er. Dear Sir, retire into this inner room, And there repose awhile: Alas, I see disorder in your Face. Phi. This confidence of me, is generous in thee. SCENE V. The Court Gallery. Enter Alcippus. Alcip.

Before he could add anything she asked, "I suppose you are going to see Stella again this afternoon." "Why er yes," he hesitated. "I think so." "Where? At Vera's?" she asked, adopting a tone not of curiosity but of chiding him for seeing Stella instead of herself. The moment of hesitation, before he said that he didn't know, told her the truth. It was as good as a plain, "Yes."

"Is the person with the ah bristles still downstairs?" "He is, m'lud," said Jenkins, with another sigh. "Then tell him to possess his soul in patience, Jenk, for I fear he will remain there a long, long time." "You don't mind if we drive about a bit, do you, Beverley?" "Not in the least." "I er I generally go the longest way round when I have to call on " "On Gaunt?" "Yes."

No; pass the end under the log an' buckle it; not too tight. You hang on to the outside, an' I'll push off. If yer have ter paddle ter keep in the current don't let yer hands er feet come to the surface understand?" "Certainly." "All right then; are you all set? Holy smoke, this is going to be some yacht ride."

"Yes, sah, Colonel." "Eh Shag before you go, you er you might leave me that paper I see under your vest. I may have occasion to to glance at it, to see what to-morrow's weather is going to be for fishing." "Yes, sah, Colonel." And, with a carefully concealed grin on his face, Shag drew the black-lettered paper from under his waistcoat, and laid it on the bed beside the "Complete Angler."

"We don't want a tumble if we can help it." "It is a grand sport," answered the head of the college. "Before long I expect to see aeroplanes in constant use." "Wouldn't you like to go up with us some day, Doctor?" questioned Tom, slyly. "Well er perhaps, Thomas. But not just yet. I wish er to see them more in general use first." And then the doctor bowed the students out.

In the pause which followed, footsteps were heard on the walk outside, and the girl sprang up with a beautiful blush. "My stars! I didn't think I forgot I must go." Hartley burst into the room shortly after she left it, in his usual breeze. "Hul-lo! Still at the Latin, hey?" "Yes," said Bert, with ease. "How goes it?" "Oh, I'm whooping 'er up! I'm getting started in great shape.

"And you are to be mine Grace, you are to be mine my very own!" "Yes. But you are never to see Fran again." "Do I want to see her again? But Grace, if we stay here until train- time, Bob will come and er and find us I don't want to meet Bob." "Then let us go. There are such crowds on the streets that we can easily lose ourselves."