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Updated: August 15, 2024

'Yes, I'm better now, she replied drearily; 'but perhaps if I'd died it would have been as well, for you can never love me again. 'You know, my dear, he said, equivocating, 'that we didn't get on well together. 'Oh, Dick! I know it. You were very good to me, and I made your life wretched on account of my jealousy; but I couldn't help it, for I loved you better than a woman ever loved a man.

Perhaps they had bet who first should kiss her. Or, at least, there was not one of them who would not kiss her if she gave him a chance. But if she, in any way, had been to blame for what Landry had done, she would atone for it. She had made herself too cheap, she had found amusement in encouraging these men, in equivocating, in coquetting with them.

In speaking to them, however, they always used the most abject language, and the most humble tone and posture "Please your honour; and please your honour's honour" they knew must be repeated as a charm at the beginning and end of every equivocating, exculpatory, or supplicatory sentence; and they were much more alert in doffing their caps to these new men, than to those of what they call good old families.

They told him, indignantly, either to convey them to the English brig, or sell them for slaves to the Spaniards, 'For, say they, 'we would rather lose our liberty, than be kept here to die of hunger. Boy returned them an equivocating answer, but treated them much less roughly than I had reason to anticipate.

"Thou art equivocating; 'twill be the worse for thee, that thou triflest with the Council who are these agents?" "He had a generous household, Eccellenza; many hardy gondoliers, and servitors of all conditions." "Of these we have nothing to learn. He hath escaped by other means or art thou sure he hath escaped at all?" "Signore, is he in Venice?" "Nay, that we ask of thee.

She burst from the fascination as from a dream, but only to fall into it again, reproaching her weakness, and saying, 'What a thing am I! When she did make her voice heard by Herr Johannes and the coachman, she was nervous and ashamed, and met the equivocating pacification of the reply with an assent half-way, though she was far from comprehending the consolation she supposed that it was meant to convey.

Any of the slightest pretences, any of the most loose, formal, equivocating expressions, would justify us, under the peroration of this piece, in again sending the last or some other Lord Malmesbury to Paris. I hope I misunderstand this pledge, or that we shall show no more regard to it than we have done to all the faith that we have plighted to vigor and resolution in our former Declaration.

"Nay," answered Edith, equivocating; "but I have promised not to take the veil." "Promised to Hilda?" "Hilda," exclaimed Edith readily, "would never consent to it. Thou knowest her strong nature, her distaste to to " "The laws of our holy Church I do; and for that reason it is, mainly, that I join with the King in seeking to abstract thee from her influence.

I will not linger longer upon this part of my career; the above conversations may serve as a sufficient sample of my electioneering qualifications: and so I shall merely add, that after the due quantum of dining, drinking, spouting, lying, equivocating, bribing, rioting, head-breaking, promise-breaking, and thank the god Mercury, who presides over elections chairing of successful candidateship, I found myself fairly chosen member for the borough of Buyemall.

Her uneasiness was so unmistakable that at length, finding she did not take me into her confidence, or seek my assistance in any way, I questioned her about it, and was shocked and grieved beyond expression to meet only with equivocating and evasive replies to my questions.

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