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The indirect answers which Quakers are often found to return to a question put to them may be explained, I think, without the vulgar assumption, that they are more given to evasion and equivocating than other people. They naturally look to their words more carefully, and are more cautious of committing themselves. They have a peculiar character to keep up on this head.

There are misguided people who would call this logic: but Rosa said it was equivocating, and urged him so warmly that at last he burst out, "Who can go on forever saying 'No, to the only creature he loves?" and caved. In forty-eight hours more a brougham waited at Mrs. Staines's door. The servant engaged to drive it was Andrew Pearman, a bachelor, and, hitherto, an under-groom.

She was equivocating to him on her death-bed. "Do not look in that way," she panted. "My strength is nearly gone you must perceive that it is and I do not, perhaps, express myself clearly. I loved you dearly, and I grew suspicious of you.

"Then you didn't take this as a short cut," said Collinson, with dull perseverance in his idea. "Why not? It looks all clear ahead." "Yes," said Key hurriedly, "but it's been only a leap of the fire, it's still raging round the bend. We must go back to the cross-trail." His face was still flushing with his very equivocating, and his anxiety to get his companion away.

Nothing could be more infamous and of worse tendency than this practice of equivocating in the most sacred of all obligations. It introduced a general disregard of oaths, which hath been the source of universal perjury and corruption.

When Calvinus ordered him to retire, he had replied by sending presents, which had hitherto proved so effective with Roman proconsuls, and by an equivocating profession of readiness to abide by Caesar's decision. Pharnaces came of a dangerous race. Caesar's lieutenant was afraid that, if he hesitated, the son of Mithridates might become as troublesome as his father had been.

But the chances were I should not have developed it, since it would seem that any salvation for me at least must come precisely through suffering, through not getting what I wanted. Was this equivocating? My mistake had been in marrying Maude instead of Nancy a mistake largely due to my saturation with a false idea of life.

'Somebody's been treating it, it's very plain, said the other, looking at the bird, which was making a feeble attempt to spread out its wings and screech contemptuously at the universe. 'You're equivocating, sir; do you think I can't see that poison has been laid in your grounds for this unhappy bird? 'It's 'appy enough; don't you be uneasy, Mr.

'None, without hope, e'er loved the brightest fair; But love can hope, where Reason should despair. "That, I think, is perfectly true," said Rosamond. Never begging Rosamond and the poet's pardon never except where reason is very weak, or where the brightest fair has some touch of the equivocating fiend.

But I said, 'I'd look at the books; but I didn't think his deposit was anything like that. 'You little equivocating humbug, says he: 'and which was better, to tell the truths at once and let Captain Dodd, who never did me any harm, have his own, or to hear it told me in the felon's dock? Those were his words, sir: and they made my blood run cold; and if he had gone on at me like that, I should have split, I know I should: but he just said, 'There, your face has given your tongue the lie: you haven't brains enough to play the rogue. Oh, and another thing he said he wouldn't talk to the sparrow-hawk any more, when there was the kite hard by: so by that I guess your turn is coming, sir; so mind your eye.