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"It will," solemnly responded Cardinal Bernis, "and people will shudder when they hear the name of the man who strangled the Emperor Peter, who shot Ivan, and who, at the command of Catharine, has come to Italy to ensnare the noble and innocent Princess Tartaroff with cunning and flatteries and convey her to St. Petersburg. Shall I tell you this man's name? He is called Alexis Orloff!"

His was the voice to burst forth in the rich melodies of that equivocal piece he was the gentleman who, if ruined by excess, could become the highwayman his was the dashing, manly style to ensnare either a Polly or a Lucy. Poor Macheath is now emasculated, because no man has voice to sing his songs. I have heard Mr.

On this he stepped close up to her and cried in great emotion: "She, she! Aye, she hath indeed cast her devil's tangle of gold about me to ensnare all that is vain and base in me; but she has no more room in my heart than those bees have. And if you if my good angel will but be mine again I will cry 'apage' I tear her toils asunder."

Corinna, that used to torment all who conversed with her with false Glances, and little heedless unguarded Motions, that were to betray some Inclination towards the Man she would ensnare, finds at present all she attempts that way unregarded; and is obliged to indulge the Jilt in her Constitution, by laying Artificial Plots, writing perplexing Letters from unknown Hands, and making all the young Fellows in Love with her, till they find out who she is.

Perhaps the fair Barine will voluntarily confess everything, and even add how she managed to ensnare the amiable son of the greatest of men, and the most admirable of mothers, the young King Caesarion." Cleopatra's eyes flashed more brightly, and she angrily exclaimed: "I found the boy just now as though he were possessed by demons.

He tried also to think the matter out from her side, and although he hated to think that she was a traitress trying to ensnare him for her own ends, yet it might be that her family were making a tool of her to seduce him from the path of duty, and although he doubted whether she was betrothed to Pollock, yet it might be true, and he certainly was not going to be Pollock's unsuccessful rival.

"Not so fast, Hortense!" exclaimed the gay Chevalier; "you have captured me by mistake! The tall Swede he is your man! The other ladies all know that, and are anxious to get me out of your toils, so that you may be free to ensnare the philosopher!" "But you don't wish to get away from me! I am your garland, Chevalier, and you shall wear me to-day.

He himself warned her, in some verses written for him by Euphemia Boswell, against the crew of penniless admirers who surrounded her: 'Lady, ah! too bewitching lady! now beware Of artful men that fain would thee ensnare Not for thy merit, but thy fortunes sake. Give me your hand your cash let venals take. Miss Emma was his first love.

They imitated him as to externals; the spirit of him they could not ensnare. Turner knew him; so did Bonington. Delacroix understood him. So did Chardin, himself a solitary in his century.

It would be a pretty thing if out of foolish affection for you I were to try to play the siren that should ensnare the steersman of the house your father with flattering words. You laugh at the grey-haired siren? But love overlooks the ravages of years and has a good memory for all that was once pleasing. Besides, men have not always wax in their ears when they should have.