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"He is a man who is ready to shed his blood for the Princess Tartaroff, who is surrounded by enemies and dangers; a man," he continued, in a lower tone, "who knows and loves your friend and guardian, Count Paulo, and will soon bring you secret and sure news from him!" "He knows Count Paulo!" joyfully exclaimed Natalie. "Oh, then all is well.

Princess Tartaroff, you are the daughter of the Empress Elizabeth; and therefore it is that this Empress Catharine, upon her usurped throne, trembles with fear of you therefore was it that she said to her favorite: 'Go, and deliver me from this troublesome pretender. But do it in a sly, cautious, and noiseless manner.

This Princess Tartaroff is an imposter; no princely blood flows in her veins, and if she gives herself out to be a princess, it is because she therewith connects plans of high-treason. More I need not say to you, except that my illustrious empress has charged me to bring this fraudulent princess to her at St. Petersburg, that she may there receive her punishment!

"I will make myself intelligible to you," said he, in a milder tone. "You must understand, that I know you, Corilla. That assassin who followed the Princess Tartaroff at the festival of Cardinal Bernis, was employed by you, Signora Maddalena Morelli Fernandez, called Corilla!"

"You do not, then, deny the hiring of that bravo?" "I only deny your right to inquire," said she. "I have a right to it," he responded with vehemence. "This Princess Tartaroff is a subject of the Empress of Russia, my mistress, who watches over and protects all her subjects with maternal tenderness." "That good, tender empress!" exclaimed Corilla, with an ambiguous smile.

Natalie unfolded the letter and read: "Warn the Princess Tartaroff; danger threatens her!" "That is all?" she asked with a smile. "That is all!" said the cardinal; "but when Paulo considered these few words of sufficient importance to send them to me, you may well suppose they are of the utmost significance."

Carlo indicated Natalie, and bowed to the ground before her. "Princess Tartaroff?" asked the cardinal, with astonishment. "That she is a princess, I know not," said Carlo, "but I am quite certain she is a poetess!" What was it that at this moment stirred the soul of the young maiden? She now felt a pride, a blessed joy, and yet she had previously felt so sad at Corilla's triumph!

"But in order properly to watch and preserve all her children and subjects, she should keep them in her own country. Take this Princess Tartaroff with you to Russia, and then she will be safe from our Italian daggers. Take her with you; that will be the best way!" "You, then, very heartily hate this poor little princess?" asked Alexis, laughing.

"And you will also not forget my request, that you will in all societies speak of the great love which the Empress Catharine cherishes for her near relation, the Princess Tartaroff?" "I will not forget it. In your hands, count, I lay my revenge you will free me from this rival?" "That will I," said he, with an inhuman laugh.

"If it is the Princess Tartaroff whom I have the honor of addressing," said he, "I must in the name of my illustrious lord, beg your pardon for what has improperly occurred here; at his command I come to set it all right!" Thus speaking, he returned to the soldiers, and in a low tone exchanged some words with their leader.