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'Had he wanted in, my lord, it would have been different, said Eccles. 'But he only wanted out, and gave the watchword. 'Where got'st thou the watchword, Mr. Heywood? 'I will tell thee what I gave for it, my lord. More I will not. 'What gavest thou then? 'My word that I would work neither thee nor thine any hurt withal, my lord. 'Then there are traitors within my gates! cried the marquis.

Scott Eccles I am sure of it," said Inspector Gregson in a very amiable tone. "I am bound to say that everything which you have said agrees very closely with the facts as they have come to our notice. For example, there was that note which arrived during dinner. Did you chance to observe what became of it?" "Yes, I did. Garcia rolled it up and threw it into the fire."

On July 5, 1902 the three companies were consolidated under the name of the Amalgamated Sugar Company, with David Eccles, polygamist, trustee of Church bonds, and protege of Joseph F. Smith, as President; and the sugar trust took half the stock, in exchange for its holdings in the three original companies.

May they ever be zealous in every good work, and have grace to continue faithful unto the end. "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm cxxvi, 6. "Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days." Eccles. xi, 1.

Eccles; and a man who's brave besides being good soon learns that." "Well spoken, Missis." "Is Robert to hear he's denied his father's house?" "I never said that, Mrs. Boulby.

Eccles," she replied, "Robert's sending of me was to know if the horse was unhurt and safe." "Won't his legs carry him yet, Missis?" "His legs have been graciously spared, Mr. Eccles; it's his head." "That's where the liquor flies, I'm told." "Pray, Mr. Eccles, believe me when I declare he hasn't touched a drop of anything but tea in my house this past night."

Or, again, there was that most grotesque affair of the five orange pips, which let straight to a murderous conspiracy. The word puts me on the alert." "Have you it there?" I asked. He read the telegram aloud. "Have just had most incredible and grotesque experience. May I consult you? "Scott Eccles, "Post Office, Charing Cross." "Man or woman?" I asked. "Oh, man, of course.

"You know Jane Eccles, one of my tenants in Bank Buildings the embroidress who adopted her sister's orphan child?" "I remember her name. She obtained, if I recollect rightly, a balance of wages for her due to the child's father, a mate, who died at sea. Well, what has befallen her?" "A terrible accusation has been preferred against her," rejoined Mrs.

I expect the first year, that we shall have a deficit to make up, but if next spring we don't let all our pews, why I am mistaken in my man, that's all. Besides they say he is a capital man to get money out of people, and we must pay off our debt or we will never succeed, and that's a fact." I got some figures from Mr. Eccles, and put them down.

Ellish felt that to contradict him on the spot must lessen both him and herself in the opinion of the landlord, a circumstance that would have given her much pain. "I'm sorry to hear that, Connell," said Mr. Eccles; "you bear the character of being strictly sober in your habits. You must have been early at the bottle, too, which makes your apology rather unhappy.