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"We're done bin eated alive by dese yar pencilguins." The rookery lay in a slight depression and was not visible from where the boys stood, so that they were unable to imagine what was taking place. "They are in serious trouble of some sort again," cried Frank. "Come on, boys, let's go to their rescue."

"There wouldn't be no grin on your fat face at all," returned Seaman Jones. "It wouldn't be there. You'd be full-steam-ahead, bearings 'eated, and showin' no lights, for them tents when you see wot you was up against." The referee felt Dam's gloves to see that they contained no foreign bodies in the shape of plummets of lead or other illegal gratifications.

I been telling her you been there." Mr. Polly: "Glad you know it." The lady shouting: "I like it." Mrs. Larkins, raising her voice: "I won't 'ave my girls spoken of, not by nobody, old or young." Pop! imperfectly located. Mr. Johnson at large: "Ain't the beer up! It's the 'eated room." Bessie: "Scuse me, sir, passing so soon again, but " Rest inaudible. Mr. Polly, accommodating himself: "Urr-oo!

"It's a real nice story," she said. "The nicest of all. I'm so glad you came, Rosy, else you wouldn't have told it to us." "Did you hear me tell how the dottor was eated up by tigers?" asked Rosy, peeping with one eye from out of the protection of Kitty's apron. "Yes, indeed. That was splendid."

"What did Horace want of squash seeds?" "He eated 'em; I sawed him!" "There, you're the funniest baby, Katie Clifford! Now you've been and made Mrs. Gray think your brother's carried to jail." This was not quite true. Mrs. Gray had no idea Horace had been taken to jail; but she did fancy something had gone wrong at Mrs. Parlin's. She put on her bonnet and ran across the road to Mrs.

"They say some folks put things on the table one by one, but we likes to have them where we can see them all one time," remarked Mrs. Callahan who was feeding the baby with turkey and pickle. "We'se eated two dinners a'ready," said Lois. "Mommer told all the ladies that asked us as how we wanted a Christmas dinner and we got three," explained Peggy. "And et 'em, too," Mrs. Callahan declared.

"They'll get the dolly back, but you kin have eated the cake first." They looked at each other, and their eyes danced together over this heaven-sent inspiration. Then Johnny took off her shoes and stockings, rubbed her cold feet with his dirty handkerchief, and said: "Now you trot over to your mar!"

His eyes, although large and wide, looked like those of a sleep walker open with shut sense; the shine in them was all reflected light glitter, no glow; and their colour was so pale that they suggested some horrible sight as having driven from them hue and vision together. "Haf you eated enough, my son?" he said, when he heard Malcolm lay down his spoon.

"Me, massa? me tink dere 'pears to be room for more wittles inside ob me; but as all de grub's eated up, p'r'aps it would be as well to be goin' an' tacklin' suffin' else now." "You're right, Butterface," cried the Captain, rousing himself from a reverie. "What say you, comrades? Shall we turn in an' have a nap? It's past midnight."

"Papa, the cruel policeman has murdered little Gip! He sneaked up and frowed a nice piece of meat to Gip, and Gip he eated it, and fanked the policeman with his tail, and runned after him and teased for more, but the policeman fought Gip had enough, and then Gip stopped and looked sorry he had eaten it, and pretty soon he laid down and died, and the policeman laughed and went off feeling good.