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They are a sight for one half hour in the spring, and no more; and are utterly devoid of odour. William Julius Mickle was born on the 29th of September, 1734, at Longholm, in the county of Dumfries, of which place his father, Alexander Meikle, or Mickle, a minister of the church of Scotland, was pastor. His mother was Julia, daughter of Thomas Henderson, of Ploughlands, near Edinburgh.

Meine wrote to Williamson: "On the 15th 120 fanatics from the Glenkins, Deray; and neighbouring parishes in Dumfriesshire, none worth L10 except two mad fellows, the lairds of Barscob and Corsuck, came to Dumfries early in the morning, seized Sir Jas. but the story is yet very uncertain, and therefore I set no great weight on it. I home by Mr.

'Hae ye been in Dumfries and Galloway? said the old dame who sate smoking by the fireside, and who had not yet spoken a word. 'Troth have I, gudewife, and a weary round I've had o't. 'Then ye'll maybe ken a place they ca' Ellangowan? 'Ellangowan, that was Mr. Bertram's? I ken the place weel eneugh. The Laird died about a fortnight since, as I heard.

Robert Burns wrote some deathless lines lines written out of the freshness of his heart, simply to please himself, with no furtive eye on Dumfries, Edinburgh, the Kirk, or the Unco Guid of Ayrshire; and these are the lines that have given him his place in the world of letters.

When falsehood is to be confounded, it is best to grapple with the sorceress in the moment of detection; should we hesitate, she may elude our grasp." Dumfries was only a few miles distant, and they might reach its convent before the first matins. Fatigue was not felt by Bruce when in pursuit of a great object; and, after a slight refreshment, he and his four determined friends took horse.

In affairs of this kind, results, not expenses, are considered. Surely the venture was a success. Although from the point of view of bringing the ladies of the congregation together well, the less said about that the better. In any event, parts of Dumfries Corners were cooler the following summer than they had ever been before. And then, in the natural sequence of events, the next year came.

He had visited, on the day that opens our history, some monastic ruins in the county of Dumfries, and spent much of the day in making drawings of them from different points, so that, on mounting his horse to resume his journey, the brief and gloomy twilight of the season had already commenced. His way lay through a wide tract of black moss, extending for miles on each side and before him.

Under the provocation any man of a less philosophical temperament might have forgotten the laws of hospitality and cursed his offending guests in his own house. Among the most promising residents of Dumfries Corners some ten years ago was a certain Mr.

The notion that two years' service in so important an office as that of Mayor of Dumfries Corners received as its sole reward nothing but lamps was to her mind impossible. "Is is there anything the matter with you, dear?" she asked, placing her hand on his brow. "You don't seem feverish." "Feverish?" snapped the leader of his party. "Who said anything about my being feverish?"

And this scrupulous observance of his orders, at a time when a little excess of zeal was unlikely to be regarded as a very serious blunder, is yet more strikingly illustrated in his next letter, written a week later from Dumfries. In that town, at the southern end of the bridge over the Nith, the charity of some devout Covenanting ladies had lately set up a large meeting-house.