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Yet something did happen, later, which at least seemed in some measure to have shaken his faith, and it was noticed that, towards the end of his life, he was not fond of dwelling on the subject had even been known, in fact, to become irritable when pressed to tell his story. It fell out, a year or two after the events which he had loved to narrate, that Lord Durie had occasion to visit Dumfries.

"Oh, my poor brother," said he, "slaughtered partridges a score of brace to each gun, and poets gauging ale-barrels, with sixty pounds a year, at Dumfries, are not the signs of a great era! perhaps of the smallest possible era yet written of.

Two of the lectures on birds were repeated at Eton before the boys' Literary and Scientific Society and their friends; and between this and 1880 Ruskin often went to address the same audience, with the same interest in young people that had taken him in earlier years to Woolwich. Froude snatched it away from me yesterday; and it has then to go to my brother at Dumfries.

But at Carlisle, bills were paid in gold and silver; whereas at Dumfries they were paid in Scotch bank notes; and the uncertainty of getting these bank notes exchanged for gold and silver coin, had thus degraded them four per cent. below the value of that coin.

To be sure he did gie an awesome glance up at the auld castle and there was some spae-work gaed on I aye heard that; but as for his vanishing, I held the stirrup mysell when he gaed away, and he gied me a round half-crown he was riding on a haick they ca'd Souple Sam it belanged to the George at Dumfries it was a blood-bay beast, very ill o' the spavin I hae seen the beast baith before and since."

The captain came often to Craig Ronald. It was upon his way to kirk and market, for the captain for the good of his soul went occasionally to the little chapel of the Permission at Dumfries.

A search which was made in the outer churchyard resulted in their being discovered among the tombs, and they were forthwith conducted to the Tolbooth prison. When Ramblin' Peter, after many narrow escapes, reached the farm in Dumfries in a half-famished state, he sat down among the desolate ruins and howled with grief.

I never heard, outside of a Scotch pulpit, such splendid invective." "Is he Scotch?" said one of the trustees. "Of Scotch parentage," said the university president. "I believe he is one of the Dumfarthings of Dunfermline, Dumfries." Everybody said "Oh," and there was a pause. "Is he married?" asked one of the trustees. "I understand," answered Dr.

He died in Seventeen Hundred Ninety-six, and was buried at Dumfries by the "gentleman volunteers," in spite of his last solemn words "Don't let the Awkward Squad fire over my grave!" His mother survived him thirty-eight years, passing out in Eighteen Hundred Thirty-four. Burns left four sons, each of whom was often pointed out as the son of his father but none of them was.

Snow had been falling all day on the 1st of February 1831, and the morning mail from Dumfries to Edinburgh was already late in reaching Moffat. Would "she" go on, would "she" risk the terrible drifts that even now must have formed nearer the bleak moorland summit?