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"But I say, sir, do you think if I was to go overboard, and then hitch myself on to the rudder-chains till I was took aboard, the doctor'd give me a dose of that same physic as he give him?" "Very likely, Tom," I said. "But you'd rather be without, wouldn't you?" He smiled. "But it was physic?" "Oh yes, sir, it was physic.

All I'm sartain of is that 'twan't long afore all hands was in that condition where the doctor'd have passed 'em on to the parson. First along it seemed as if the Thompson-Small syndicate had been vaccinated they didn't develop a symptom. But one noon the Dowager sails into the dining-room and unfurls a brown paper bundle. "I've captured a prize, my dear," says she to the Duchess.

"Say, little girl," he said uneasily, "you look to me like a doctor'd do you a whole lot o' good." Jewel gazed at him in patient wonder. "Who made the doctor?" she asked. Zeke stood on one foot and then on the other. "God did, and you know it, Zeke. He's the one to go to in trouble." "But you're going to that Chicago woman," objected Zeke. "Yes, because she'll go to God for me.

"In fact, I b'lieve you're under some mistake about Mrs Penhaligon, who is reckoned as vartuous a woman as any in the parish; while 'tis known that no doctor'd pass Nanjivell for service. But if you ask me, I've a great idea the man has come into a legacy, or else struck a store of gold " The landlord checked his tongue abruptly. Some phrase about a 'taty-patch floated across his memory.

Doctor'd seen that sort o' bloke before. Polensky said he'd got a pain in 'is stummik, so the doctor says it must be becos 'is diet was too rich, and knocks orf arf 'is grub. I tell yer, Polensky was sorry 'e'd spoke. "Here, my client showing a disposition to smile, I removed the razor to allow him to do so.

"But a doctor'd be more good to her jes' now than forty sich husbands as her'n. Where's the nearest doctor, fellers?" continued Chagres Charley. "Up to Dutch Hill," said Texas; "an' I'll see he's fetched inside of two hours." Saying which, Texas dropped the raw-hide door, and hurried off. The remaining five strolled slowly back to Chagres Charley's hut.

The proud parent grinned, then looked troubled. "Why, he ain't real fust-rate," he said. "Seems to be some under the weather. Got a cold and kind of sore throat. Dr. Parker says he cal'lates it's a touch of tonsilitis. There's consider'ble fever, too. I was hopin' the doctor'd come again to-day, but he's gone away on a fishin' cruise. Won't be home till late to-morrer.

"Yep, I hurt in there!" he muttered brokenly. And as ashen and more ashen grew the wrinkled old countenance, Tessibel cried out sharply in protest. "Why, Daddy, what d'ye mean by yer heart's hurtin' ye?... What do ye mean, Daddy?... I thought the doctor'd fixed yer heart so it wouldn't pain ye no more." The man considered the appealing young face an instant.

"Can't you think where he stays?" "A little rum," he answered, "is great for the memory. I b'lieve most any doctor'd advise a jorum of rum for a man in my fix, to restore the intellects." I took him back into the grog-shop and bought him rum, taking a very little myself, with a great deal of blackstrap and water. Bill's symptoms were such as to drive me to despair.

The plain ordinary flip wasn't good enough for him, no siree. He wanted to do it extra fancy. Instead of a little flip so's they'd light batter side down, the doctor'd give 'em a double turn an' they'd come down in the pan with a splash.