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Standing on the dock's sheer edge, they glowered into one another's eyes through the fading twilight, the great steam cranes behind flinging out giant arms over the stone heaps, the black water below glancing with fitful gleams of steel and copper from the sunset's last saffron afterglow. The yellow headlight of a low-lying grain boat stole nearer, unheeded till the straining mules toiled by.

He heard steps on the dock and remained silent in the darkness, thinking that possibly some watchman was making the rounds. If he was discovered, he would say that he had been looking at the river, give the watchman his card and a tip, and leave. The steps came nearer and Prale could make out the form of a man slipping along the dock's edge in a furtive manner.

Culpepper's stinginess in holding out against Dock's demands is going to be his undoing." Such confident talk as this could not help having its effect on Carl. He had in fact come over to Tom's house knowing that he was sure to get comfort there.

I set his packin' out and put him in a stall at the Gray's corral; hope he'll brace up. Dock's a mighty good workin' scrap, if you could only get him to carryin' his water right; if he'd come down to three gauges he'd be a dandy, but this tryin' to run first section with a flutter in the stack all the time is no good he must 'a flagged in."

It had caught the scow's wide stern and had swung it out from the dock. Wefers unhooked the chain and dropped it clankingly into the bottom. Then, with ponderous uncertainty, he stepped from the dock's string-piece to the prow of his boat. A whiff of breeze slapped the loosened scow, broadside on, and sent it drifting an inch or two away.

"I am Captain Robert Orme, of General Brad dock's staff, and I have come to admire Colonel Washington very greatly during the month that we have been associated." "And I," I said, "am Lieutenant Thomas Stewart, of Captain Waggoner's Virginia Company." "Lieutenant Stewart!" he cried, and his hand was clasping mine warmly. "I am happy to meet you.

"Well, for some reason or other, I feel fine this morning let's take a constitutional around the dock." The young men walked off, side by side, and began the circuit of the dock's quarter-mile outline. The breeze was such a rarity in the becalmed region that the two paused now and then to take long grateful breaths, and to watch the little wind waves ripple the glassy Sargasso lanes.

"Sooner you get your crew to work loadin', sooner you'll get away from sassy questions," replied Hiram, serenely, wagging his head at the intrusive crowd massing along the dock's edge.

Good wishes. As if all those flowers weren't enough." "Mm," said Ella. She and Heyl descended the gang-way, and stood at the dock's edge, looking rather foolish and uncertain, as people do at such times. There followed a few moments of scramble, of absurdly shouted last messages, of bells, and frantic waving of handkerchiefs.

Dock was ugly, too, and for a time I thought his father was going to throw him out of the house. But in the end it quieted down." "That's a new streak in Dock's father, I should say," remarked Tom. "Time was when he used to come home himself at all hours of the night, and in a condition that must have made his wife's heart sick."