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The lowest, cruelest, and worst populace of a city, never without its quantity of low, cruel, and bad, were the directing spirits of the scene: noisily commenting, applauding, disapproving, anticipating, and precipitating the result, without a check.

Thoroughly disapproving of the present invasion of Flanders, he was exerting himself, now that it had been decided upon by his sovereigns the States-Generals, with the same loyalty as that of Maurice, to bring it to a favourable issue, although not personally engaged in the adventure.

An hour later McNally returned. He greeted the deputy with a suave smile, and requested an interview with Mr. West. "I'm not sure about that," said the deputy. "That is too bad," smiled McNally. "Kindly speak to Mr. West." With a disapproving glance the deputy opened the door. Harvey came forward. "Well," he said brusquely, "what can I do for you?"

Miss Henrietta is is not right in her mind, if you can understand. And she is very old. She just sits in her chair all day and mumbles. She was named for a queen Henrietta Maria." Aunt Priscilla gave a disapproving sniff. "Supper's ready," said Mr. Leverett. "Come." Warren took the small stranger by the hand, and she made a little courtesy, quite as if she were a grown lady.

Then Bill and Patty sauntered round the house to the veranda. "Where's your cook?" cried Mona. "In the kitchen, where she belongs," replied Patty. "Do you want her here?" "No, but how did you get one?" "Kidnapped her!" declared Patty, and then amid the laughter of their hearers, they told the whole story. "I never heard of such a thing!" said Aunt Adelaide, with a disapproving frown.

Then, with a touch of superiority born of hurt pride, she observed: "I'm sure I didn't ASK you to meet me with bands and things and you made two mistakes in that sentence. You shouldn't say 'you was'; and I think 'you come' is wrong. It doesn't sound right, anyway." "Well, who cares if I did?" Pollyanna's eyes grew still more disapproving.

And if, at first, Hildegarde, of the sour and disapproving face, did little irregular things for wounded German soldiers, faked temperature charts, prepared little forbidden meals at night, and in other ways pretended to a degree of illness in her German soldiers that my clinical eye refused to see, I could not altogether blame her.

If he means so to say, he means to deceive; because he and every one knows that the decision of the Supreme Court, which he approves, and makes special ground of attack upon me for disapproving, forbids the People of a Territory to exclude Slavery.

"You're disapproving of me a good bit, aren't you, Alice?" said Kitty, going up to the other girl and taking both her hands in hers. "Well, I think you are very odd," said Alice. "And do you want me to be quite sober and tame, and to have all the spirit knocked out me, alanna?" "No; but we don't do exactly as you do in this country." "And you think you'll tame me into your cut-and-dry pattern?"

We are moving towards a time when, through this confusion of moral standards I have foretold, the pressure of public opinion in these matters must be greatly relaxed, when religion will no longer speak with a unanimous voice, and when freedom of escape from disapproving neighbours will be greatly facilitated.