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"I dare say he liked a good meal in his day," said Gerald, stretching luxuriously. "Who did?" "The dino what s-his-name," said Gerald. "He had a meal today," said Kathleen, and giggled. "Yes didn't he?" said Mabel, giggling also. "You mustn't laugh lower than your chest," said Kathleen anxiously, "or your green stuff will joggle off." "What do you mean a meal?" Jimmy asked suspiciously.

His lips locked themselves together until they looked like a single line; his eyes flashed ominously beneath his heavy brows. In his anger he did, as he was privileged to do to any inferior member of his community, forgetting that Dino Vasari, with his five-and-twenty years, had passed from under his control, and was free to resent an offered indignity.

He wished to secure it for Dino still more for the Church. He sent back a curt verbal answer. Dino might come to the cloisters on the following morning after early mass. The Prior would meet him there as he came from the monastery chapel. Dino was waiting at the appointed hour.

Was he afraid? No, Dino assured himself, looking up to the purple mountains and the cloudless sky, with a grave smile of recognition and profound content, he was afraid of nothing now. He waited until the service was over. The peal of the organ, the sound of the monks' chant, reached him where he stood, but he did not enter the little chapel. A sense of unworthiness came over him.

You love Miss Murray, do you not?" "If I do," said Heron, haughtily, "it is not a question that I am disposed to answer at present." "You love Miss Murray," said Dino, as if the question had been answered in the affirmative, "and there is nothing on earth so dear to me as my friend Brian Luttrell. It may seem strange to you that it should be so; but it is true.

She could hardly believe this great happiness. "We have to go, now, Martha," Cornelli said, "but we'll come every day the way we used to; you know that, Martha. I'll run over every single day." "And I, too," cried Dino. When the happy little couple were running away, Martha looked after them from her little stairway. Her eyes were moist, yet followed the two till they were lost from sight.

Dino supported him for a moment, then laid him flat upon the floor, and was about to summon help, when, turning, he came face to face with the Prior, Padre Cristoforo. Thirteen years had passed since Padre Cristoforo brought the friendless boy from Turin to the monastery amongst the pleasant hills.

This brought him many enemies; and, indeed, the city was in uproar for some years: for, while he was so young, Dino della Rocca acted for him. Among the more powerful enemies of della Rocca was Andrea Gambacorti, whose family was soon to enslave the city. Now the one party was called Bergolini, for they had named Raniero Bergo for hate, and of these Gambacorti was chief.

But I thought of the boy who bore my name; I wove fancies about him night and day; I wished with all my heart to see him. I used to think that the day would come when I should say to him 'Let us know each other; let us keep our secret, but love each other nevertheless. You can be Brian Luttrell, and I will be Dino Vasari, as long as the world lasts. We will not change. But we will be friends."

Let Brian come home, and you will have two sons instead of one." "Rather say that I shall have no son at all," said Mrs. Luttrell, with gathering anger. "If you do this thing I cast you off. I forbid you to give what is your own to Vincenza Vasari's son." "You make it hard for me to act if you forbid me," said Dino, rising and standing before her with a pleading look upon his face.