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Updated: August 26, 2024

Andy, I'm regulatin' everything at this weddin', an' you must turn over your horse till we have a dhrop for ould times. Bless my sowl! sure, I'd know your brother round a corner; an' yourself, too, I ought to know, only that I didn't see you since you wor a slip of a gorsoon. Come away, man, sure thim men o' yours can take care o' the cattle. You'll asily overtake thim."

There's no better son in Ireland. Och, but the rest of them mane no harm wid it; they're just schemin' to dhrop in prisintly and be risin' a laugh on me." Steps which were promptly taken to verify old Joe Patman's strange story proved it to be correct in every particular.

"Musha! but ye should ha' seen the rage he goes off into. `Finished it all? says he. `Ivery dhrop, doctor, says I, `at wan sittin'. At that he stamped an' swore at me, an' ordered me away as if I'd bin a poor relation; an' says he, `I'll sind ye a bottle to-night as'll cure ye! Sure so he did. The second bottle would have poison'd a rat.

"No, sur, I thank ye," said Mike, when a similar glass was offered to him. "What! ye haven't taken the pledge, have ye?" said Grady. "No, sur; but I've had three glasses already on me walk, an' that's as much as I can rightly carry." "Nonsense, Mike. You've a stiff climb before you here, take it off." The facile postman did take it off without further remonstrance. "Have a dhrop, Phil?"

And ne'er a man-jack of them, you persaive, had the wit to find out where you was off to till meself riz out of me bed to go look. And now, man-alive, git up wid yourself and come along, for it's mortal could here, and there's tons' weight of snow this instiant minyit ready to dhrop down on our heads. Come along. Sure it's niver disthressin' yourself you'd be about ould Blake and his wages?

"To be sure, there's no bottle there, sir. The bottles is all on the sideboord, but every dhrop o' the wine is in the ice, as you towld me, sir; if you put your hand down into it, you'll feel it, sir."

"Indade ye may, John, and a thousand ov them if ye plaze, to the last dhrop in my canteen." One of those jams so constant and annoying in the movements of large masses of men, here gave the opportunity for John to unbosom himself, which he did, while both leaned upon the muzzles of their pieces. "Terence, I do not believe that I will be alongside of you many days," said John, with an effort.

'Sorra much, yer honor, sez I. 'It's very strange, you know, sez he, 'that they don't bite at all to-day. You haven't caught any, have you? 'Well, sorr, sez I, 'I did dhrop on a few little ones as I come down. 'Oh, did you, really? sez another one, puttin' a glass in his eye and standin' up excited like. 'Why, my good man, sez he, 'be good enough to 'old them up, you know.

So one night, when Nell Gorman an' her new husband, Andy Curtis, was snug an' warm in bed, an' fast asleep, an' everything quite, who should come to the door, sure enough, but Jim Soolivan himself, an' he beginned flakin' the door wid a big blackthorn stick he had, an' roarin' out like the divil to open the door, for he had a dhrop taken.

Ye'll be comin' back this way, I suppose lather in th' day?" The physician nodded. "I'd like fur ye tu dhrop in agin, thin," continued the sergeant slowly, "if ye have toime? There's a little matther I wud like tu dishcuss wid yu' 'tis 'bout that same man." Doctor Cox glanced sharply at the speaker's earnest, sombre face.

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