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Thousands of people believe in the winking virgin of Loretto, and tens of thousands, a few months ago, went to worship the holy coat of Tièves. So people are found who vote for Home Rule as a means of settling the Irish Question, and rendering justice to Ireland. Populus decipi vult. Doubtless the pleasure is as great, In being cheated as to cheat. Enniskillen, July 11th. No. 47.

To this most remarkable instance, and one other of similar though perhaps even more remarkable characteristic, the attention of the reader will presently be invited. But in view of these things one is almost tempted to say with Cardinal Carafa, "Quandoquidem populus decipi vult, decipiatur." Parisiis Ann.

So the writing had been changed in accordance with his instructions, and it now read Mundus vult decipi. The Feather of Love In such estate it was that Count Manuel came, on Christmas morning, just two days after Manuel was twenty-one, into Provence.

But would God forgive me, if, in my groping, I brought such misery of loneliness to another, knowing now what manner of thing it is?" From the Diary of Eric Lane. "Tam saepe nostrum decipi Fabullinum Miraris, Aule? Semper homo bonus tiro est." "If you care for a six-months' lecturing tour in America," wrote Grierson, "I have an unrivalled offer. You would start in the New Year. . . ."

'How, thou impious knave, said I, 'wouldst sell for a saint the skull of some dead thief, thy brother? He slunk away. But shallow she did crawl after the skull, and with apron reverently dust it for Barnabas, and it Barabbas; and so home with it. Said I, 'Non vult anser velli, sed populus vult decipi." Catherine. "Oh, the goodly Latin!" Eli. "What meaneth it?" Catherine.

And so she would send them away relieved of cash, but with their pockets full of medicine, and minds full of faith, and humbugged to their hearts' content. Populus vult decipi.

But as the stars are still there, and will appear again when the smoke has blown away, so will the truth reappear and assert itself, when men grow calm, and put aside pride and passion and prejudice and self-interest. "Magna est veritas, et prevalebit!" It has been said: "Mundus vult decipi"; the world wishes to be deceived; certainly the Anglican world does. But no one else is taken in.

Then Manuel of the high head departed from Aries, with his lackeys and his images, riding in full estate, and displaying to the spring sunlight the rearing silver stallion upon his shield and the motto Mundus vult decipi. Alianora, watching from the castle window, wept copiously, because the poor Princess had the misfortune to be really in love with Dom Manuel.

So do you ride a little way behind me, friend, and carry this shroud and napkin, till I have need of them." Then the Count armed and departed from Storisende, riding on the black horse, in jeweled armor, and carrying before him his black shield upon which was emblazoned the silver stallion of Poictesme and the motto Mundus vult decipi.

There is a story that on a great and solemn public occasion of the Romish Church, a Pope and a Cardinal were, with long faces, performing some of the gyrations of the occasion, when, instead of a pious ejaculation and reply, which were down in the programme, one said to the other gravely, in Latin "mundus vult decipi;" and the other replied, with equal gravity and learning, "decipiatur ergo:" that is, "All the world chooses to be fooled."