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Almost while the deckhands were doing this the skipper rang the engineer's bell. "Come into the wheel-'ouse with me," invited the skipper pleasantly, which invitation the three middies accepted. "Now, then, young gentlemen, 'ow did it 'appen that you missed your own launches." "It was a mean trick a scoundrelly one!" cried Darrin resentfully. Then he described just what had happened.

Watching the direction of the flash, Darrin was able to guess the direction of the man or men at whom the Mexican was firing. "Some of our sharpshooters must still be posted on roofs," Dave whispered over his shoulder to Riley. "I know one man who won't be doing much more on a roof, if I can get a sight of him for three seconds," gruffly answered Riley.

But Darrin turned and walked on again, for he saw that the recognition had been mutual. Espying the young ensign, Cosetta reined in sharply before a group of Mexicans, whose glances he directed at Dave Darrin. "There he goes, the turkey-cock, strutting young officer," cried Cosetta harshly in his own tongue. "Eye the young Gringo upstart well.

For a moment Ensign Darrin felt sick at heart. He was under orders not to fire, to employ no armed force in a way that might be construed as an act of war in the country of another nation. Yet here were his men being fired upon, one already wounded, and American women and children in danger of losing their lives.

Nor did the trio of remaining tramps refuse to do the work required of them, though they looked reluctant enough at first. Two more hours passed. "I'm afraid our friend, Hustling Weary, is having a hard time to get a doctor who'll come down the road," Dick remarked to Darrin. "Oh, the doctor will come, if Weary has found him," Dave replied. "Doctors always come.

"Of course we are going to drop all other plans for a flying visit to West Point," the letter ran on. "Belle is simply delighted with the idea. She has heard from Mr. Darrin, but he suggests September as the best time for us to visit Annapolis. So mother will bring Belle and myself to West Point. We can spend two or three days there. We shall arrive late on the afternoon on "

Under slow speed it will take the launches, commanded by the two ensigns, each about an hour and ten minutes to reach their respective lagoon destinations. It will take the lieutenant just under thirty minutes to reach the Alvarez lagoon. Ensign Dalzell will go to the Perdita lagoon, and Ensign Darrin to the Acunda lagoon.

Soon the flames leaped up, throwing their ruddy, cheerful glow over the camp and making dancing shadows beyond under the trees. While they were still chatting over the day's doings, steps were heard, followed by the arrival in camp of two rough-looking, stern-faced men. Dave Darrin sprang to pick up a club.

Both men stepped quickly forward, but all of the onlookers thought they saw rather more spring in Dave Darrin than in his more bulky opponent. The preliminaries were announced in a few words. Of course, there was no handshaking. "Time!" sounded the call. Dave Darrin quickly proved to be so full of vigor that Treadwell lay back on the defensive after the first two or three passes.

"And if I fail in this great ambition of my life, I'm wondering if I'll have the nerve to go on living afterwards." "Brace up!" laughed Dick protestingly. "Now, honestly, old fellow, aren't you just badly scared!" Dave demanded. "Whisper, Dave! I am," Dick admitted. "Well, there is nothing like having some one that you can confess everything to, is there?" muttered Darrin.