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"Sometimes I find a book that suits me, and sometimes the fish bite, and sometimes it's in the air." "Git the condinser" said Jimmy. "And that reminds me, Mary, Dannie smelled spring in the air to-day." "Well, what if he did?" questioned Mary. "I can always smell it.

There's no danger of anybody spoilin' your drinkin', if they could interfere with your atin'. You guess, Dannie." "The dominick hen is setting," ventured Dannie, and Mary's face showed that he had blundered on the truth. "She is," affirmed Mary, pouring the tea, "but it is real mane of you to guess it, when I've so few new things to tell.

The bluebells were pushing through the sod in a race with the Easter and star flowers. One morning Mary aroused Jimmy with a pull at his arm. "Jimmy, Jimmy," she cried. "Wake up!" "Do you mane, wake up, or get up?" asked Jimmy sleepily. "Both," cried Mary. "The larks are here!" A little later Jimmy shouted from the back door to the barn: "Dannie, do you hear the larks?"

He lifted it, swung it out, and slowly trailed it in again. "Spat!" came Jimmy's minnow almost at his feet, and again the Bass leaped for it. Again he missed. As the minnow reeled away the second time, Dannie swung his grubs higher, and struck the water "Spat," as the minnow had done. "Snap," went the Bass. One instant the line strained, the next the hook came up stripped clean of bait.

This evidence so bolstered Dannie that he faced Mary with confidence. "There's a traveling man frae Boston in town, Mary, and he was edifying the boys a little, and Jimmy dinna like it. He's going to show him a little country sport to-nicht to edify him." Dannie outlined the plan of Jimmy's campaign.

"He is bound to get suspicious." "I have thought it all out. Don't be uneasy. I'll say we had a quarrel over your board bill." "A nice dodge, indeed! It may fool Dannie, not him." "Leave it all to me. Better tell me what sort of lodgings you have got. Is it a decent room? Plenty of air and sunshine? But, no. Don't tell me anything. I mustn't know." I sneered

Malone seems to have an idea that she offended you, and drove you from home, just prior to her illness, and as she has been very sick, she is in no condition to bear other trouble. You understand?" "Do ye understand that I couldna have gone if I had known she was ill?" asked Dannie in turn. "From what she has said in delirium I have been sure of that," replied the nurse.

Then both of them entered the water and began clearing away drift and laying the foundations. As the first log of the crossing lifted above the water Dannie paused. "How about the Kingfisher?" he asked. "Winna this scare him away?" "Not if he ain't a domn fool," said Jimmy; "and if he is, let him go!"

"I want to plant the seeds mesilf," said Mary. "And we dinna want ye should," replied Dannie. "All we want ye to do, is to boss." "But I'm going to do the planting mesilf," Mary was emphatic. "It will be good for me to be in the sunshine, and I do enjoy working in the dirt, so that for a little while I'm happy."

At two o'clock in the morning came a tap on the Malone's bedroom window. "Dannie?" questioned Mary, half startled. "Tell Jimmy!" cried Dannie's breathless voice outside. "Tell him the Kingfisher has juist struck the river!" Jimmy sat straight up in bed. "Then glory be!" he cried. "To-morrow the Black Bass comes home!" "Where did Jimmy go?" asked Mary.