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'And for how long a time, M. Livret wished to know, 'does this amusing young man proclaim his intention of wearing the glove? 'Until he can see with us that his Order of Merit is utter kid, said Madame d'Auffray; and as she had spoken more or less neatly, satisfaction was left residing in the ear of the assembly, and the glove was permitted to be swept away on a fresh tide of dialogue.

'And for how long a time, M. Livret wished to know, 'does this amusing young man proclaim his intention of wearing the glove? 'Until he can see with us that his Order of Merit is utter kid, said Madame d'Auffray; and as she had spoken more or less neatly, satisfaction was left residing in the ear of the assembly, and the glove was permitted to be swept away on a fresh tide of dialogue.

She compared them to republicans that regretted the sovereign they had deposed for a pretender to start up and govern them. 'Who hurries them round to the legitimate king again! said Madame d'Auffray. Renee cast her chin up. 'How, my dear? 'Your husband. 'What of him? 'He is returning. 'What brings him? 'You should ask who, my Renee!

When Renee trifled with Count Henri, it was playing with fire, and she knew it; and once or twice she bemoaned to Agnes d'Auffray her abandoned state, which condemned her, for the sake of the sensation of living, to have recourse to perilous pastimes; but she was revolted, as at a piece of treachery, that Agnes should have suggested the invitation of Nevil Beauchamp with the secret design of winning home her husband to protect her.

'Am I so very guilty? said Madame d'Auffray. 'If that mad boy, half idiot, half panther, were by chance to insult M. Beauchamp, you would feel so. 'You have taken precautions to prevent their meeting; and besides, M. Beauchamp does not fight. Renee flushed crimson. Madame d'Auffray added, 'I do not say that he is other than a perfectly brave and chivalrous gentleman.

But to write blankly to inform the Earl of Romfrey that he was excluded from his own house was another impossibility. 'Hateful man! she apostrophized Captain Baskelett, and sat down, supporting her chin in a prolonged meditation. The card of a French lady, bearing the name of Madame d'Auffray, was handed to her.

Tell me: the legitimate king returns when? 'In two days or three. 'And his rebel subjects are to address him how? Madame d'Auffray smote the point of a finger softly on her cheek. 'Will they be pardoned? said Renee. 'It is for him to kneel, my dearest. 'Legitimacy kneeling for forgiveness is a painful picture, Agnes. Legitimacy jealous of a foreigner is an odd one.

A low-burning lamp and fire cast a narrow ring on the shadows of the dusky London room. One of the window-blinds was drawn up. Beauchamp discerned a shape at that window, and the fear seized him that it might be Madame d'Auffray with evil news of Renee: but it was Renee's name he called. She rose from her chair, saying, 'I! She was trembling.

'I may stay another day or two, he said, 'if I can be of any earthly service. Madame d'Auffray bowed as to a friendly decision on his part, saying, 'It would be a thousand pities to disappoint M. Roland; and it will be offering my brother an amicable chance. I will send him word that you await him; at least, that you defer your departure as long as possible.

Indeed, there was an Asiatic splendour of animal beauty about M. d'Henriel that would be serpent with most women, Madame d'Auffray conceived; why not with the deserted Renee, who adored beauty of shape and colour, and was compassionate toward a rashness of character that her own unnatural solitariness and quick spirit made her emulous of?