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Updated: August 20, 2024

'Nor is that all, he said. 'The smear on the floor, and the stains in which the naked foot tracked, are not human blood. They're not any sort of blood. It was clearly evident when you had your lens over them. They show no coagulated fiber. They show only the evidences of dye weak dye watered red ink, I'd say. "I thought Sir Henry was going to crumple up in his chair.

Squire Crumple heartily agreed with my father, and pointed out that on his part he had only allowed the warrant to issue under protest; henceforth he would rely on his own judgment and would not interpret the law to suit the whims of his friends. Mr.

I'm goin' t' jab ye on th' beak t' begin with, then I'll 'ook my left t' your kidneys an' swing my right to your p'int an' crumple ye up with a jolt on your perishin' solar plexus as 'll stiffen you till th' day o' doom!" "'Oly angels!" murmured Mr. Brimberly, glancing hastily about. "Then while you lay bathed in 'orrible gore, I'm goin' t' twist them whiskers into a 'angman's knot!"

Near King's Cross another taxi coming out from a cross-street skidded as it swerved around the corner, and jolted into his own with a crash of glass and a crumple of mudguards. Delay followed while the two chauffeurs upbraided one another with crimson epithets, and gave rival versions of the incident to a gravely impartial policeman.

Grasping the heavy rifle by the barrel, Chloe whirled it high above her and brought it down with a crash upon the head of the kneeling savage. The man crumpled as dead men crumple in an ugly, twisted heap. Fierce, swift exultation shot through the girl's brain as she stood beside the formless thing on the ground.

With a cry of rage Bobbie was about to spring at Alec when Dick got in his way. 'For God's sake, let us have no scenes here. And you'll only get the worst of it, Bobbie. Alec could just crumple you up. He turned to the two men who stood behind, startled by the unexpectedness of the quarrel. 'Take him away, Mallins, there's a good chap. 'Let me alone, you fool! cried Bobbie.

I felt the wind of his bullet as it whizzed past my ear, and at the same instant I saw him crumple to the ground. Where I hit him I do not know, nor if I killed him, for scarce had he started to collapse when I was through the window at my rear. In another second the waters of Omean closed above my head, and the three of us were making for the little flier a hundred yards away.

"And how'll they make harbor, not knowin' what to sail by?" "That bit of a craft would never stand half a gale, and if she meets th' ice she'll crumple up like an eggshell." "And they'll be havin' some nasty weather, I says. We'll never hear o' she again or any o' them on board." "Unless by the mercy o' God."

"You needn't hand me the tariff," returned the bearded man with a laugh that jarred. "Here's the stuff. Only open it quick." The onlooker saw the applicant dive a hand into his hip pocket and draw out a roll of money. He heard the crumple of paper as he counted out a number of bills. Then, in a moment, his whole attention was diverted to the entrance door of the room.

Perceiving a crumple of the lips of Mr. Durance, he took the attitude of a watchful dubiety.

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