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Updated: August 27, 2024

He noted, too, that when Cossie accompanied him to the same little gate, Delia and Sandy lingered behind with alarming significance. He began to hate Cossie and to revolt against the slap-dash untidy ménage, Delia and her train of rowdy boys, the shouting, the practical jokes, and the slang. Then suddenly the Levison cloud burst!

"Cossie is a foolish girl," admitted her aunt, "and has made heaps of mistakes; but if she sees her way to bettering herself, she can be as determined as anyone. Of course you will have to run down and say 'good-bye." "Yes, I shall go to-morrow." "I must say I don't envy you the visit!" declared his mother with a malicious smile.

Imagine marrying on a hundred and fifty pounds a year!" "Oh well, I couldn't face it myself, old man," generously conceded his companion, "but the mater and the girls are dead nuts on the idea; they are awfully fond of you, and say you are so mortal clever, so well-bred and such top-hole style, that you are bound to rise in the world; and Cossie is getting rather long in the tooth.

He seemed to have cast off a load of care; the cramped, monotonous life, his mother's hard indifference, the octopus-like Cossie, all had slipped from his shoulders and were figuratively buried in the heaving, dark blue sea. What delicious hours of tranquil ease were enjoyed in a steamer chair; hours when he looked on the past five years as a distant and fading dream!

Unfortunately one gift to "Monte Carlo" had a dire and unexpected result it brought him a deluge of letters from Cossie, who was rapturous over his promotion and "his beautiful, exquisite, darling gift," which she wore on her arm day and night!

Cossie, the stay-at-home, was round-faced and plump; a tireless talker and tennis player. She managed the house, held the slender purse, accepted her sister's cast-offs, and always had a "case" on with somebody. To "Monte Carlo" Douglas, the highly presentable cousin, was frequently commanded by both mother and aunt.

"Oh, don't apologise," interrupted Sandy; "I know Cossie and her little ways you are not the first by a long way that she's tried it on with." "Couldn't you drop her some sort of gentle hint? Do, like a good chap and say a word to my aunt? I'd stay away from 'Monte Carlo, only that I'm drawn to play in this confounded tournament." "No good!

Cossie knows in her heart that I have never cast her a thought, except as a relation; and, as a matter of fact, of the two girls I like Delia the best! I don't want to say unpleasant things when I'm on the point of going away probably for years.

But he did not go to bed when he found himself in his bare fourth-floor room, but sat on the side of his lumpy mattress, and smoked cigarettes for a couple of hours. He must squash this Cossie question at all costs; even if it led to a disagreeable interview with his relations and made a complete breach between them.

Naturally it is a delicate subject to discuss with you, Aunt Emma; but I declare on my honour that I have never thought of Cossie but just as a jolly sort of girl and a cousin." "But you have given her presents, my darling boy; yes, and written to her," urged the poor lady, clinging to the last straw.

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