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"Condy RIVERS!" she exclaimed, her cheeks flaming, "those are our neighbors. They heard every word. What do you suppose they think?" "Huh! I'd rather have 'em think I was a rent-collector than a book-agent. You began it. 'Evenin', Miss Lady." "'Evenin', Mister Man." But Condy's visit, begun thus gayly, soon developed along much more serious lines.

When he returned he syringed the sore with Condy's fluid and I cleaned it with bits of wadding, and the woman with her nails in a way that made me shudder, but she did not seem to hurt herself. Then we put on zinc ointment. She drew her bedding from under her foot so that the water streamed through the bed to the floor, which was earthen and below the level of the door.

I'll tell Doyle to sprinkle some chloride of lime in your bedroom, and to damp the sheets with Condy's Fluid. I don't suppose it will be much use, but it's the best we can do if your mind is made up." Meldon left the hotel and mounted his bicycle without speaking another word.

Blix would get these shrimps at a little market near her home. "But," said the clerk, "you got to get a permit to fish in that lake. Have you got a pull with the Water Company? Are you a stockholder?" Condy's face fell, and Blix gave a little gasp of dismay. They looked at each other. Here was a check, indeed.

It is sad and discouraging to find that, spite of all our boasted progress all that science has taught us, and all that we are supposed to have learnt the attitude of the multitude when certain dangers threaten, appears to be as it was, and that we still hear of shuddering wretches trying to fight a dreaded enemy by letting off old muskets and drenching portmanteaus with Condy's fluid.

"Just a LITTLE better than Marie Corelli and the Duchess!" "And to think of having all those stories to read! You haven't read any of them yet?" "Not a one. I've been reading only the novels we take up in the Wednesday class." "Lord!" muttered Condy. Condy's spirits had been steadily rising since the incident aboard the whaleback.

When you asked for the loan of my bicycle this morning, and told me that you and the doctor was off to Donard in a hurry, I made full sure it was him you were after. What have you done with the doctor?" "He'll be here in a few minutes," said Meldon, "and when he comes he'll give you some chloride of lime and a bottle of Condy's Fluid.

"Now," she said "now that the pastime of card-playing is over, we will return to the serious business of life, which is the catching no, 'KILLING' of lake trout." At five o'clock in the afternoon, Condy pulled up the anchor of railroad iron and rowed back to Richardson's. Blix had six trout to her credit, but Condy's ill-luck had been actually ludicrous.

"But, then we have Sarah M'Gowan," she replied, "who came, as few would none livin' this day, I think, barrin' yourself and her to stay with us, and to do anything that she can do for us all. May God for ever bless her! for short as the time is, I think she has saved some of our lives Condy's without a doubt." Mave turned towards Sarah, and, as she looked upon her, the tears started to her eyes.

But she's a smart girl, and she may hit upon some way of doing it. In any case, the judge can hardly live entirely on boiled eggs. Everything else he gets will have more or less paraffin in it, except the butter, and it's to taste of onions. His bed will be damp, too horribly damp with Condy's Fluid." "You'll probably kill the old man," said the Major. "I don't think so.