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But the idea had caught Condy's fancy. "Blix!" he exclaimed, "let's go fishing." "Where?" "I don't know. Where DO people fish around here? Where there's water, I presume." "No, is it possible?" she asked with deep concern. "I thought they fished in their back yards, or in their front parlors perhaps." "Oh, you be quiet! you're all the time guying me," he answered.

Gryce, his fellow-sufferer, had been up and about his usual work, extracting Aryan roots and impaling Lepidoptera for a month and more, while Alick was still in bed among ice-bags and Condy's Fluid, and as bad as at the beginning indeed, worse, having had a relapse which nothing but his wiry constitution, backed by his mother's scientific nursing, could have pulled him through.

Swimming parallel with the boat, he was plainly visible from his wide-opened mouth the hook and fly protruding from his lower jaw to the red, quivering flanges of the tail. His sides were faintly speckled, his belly white as chalk. He was almost as long as Condy's forearm. "Oh, he's a beauty! Oh, isn't he a beauty!" murmured Condy.

Either a table-spoonful of chloralum, or two tea-spoonfuls of carbolic acid, or two tea-spoonfuls of Condy's fluid, or a tea-spoonful of chloride of lime in a pint of water, are useful to sprinkle the soiled handkerchiefs as soon as they be done with, and before the be washed, to put in the pot-de-chambre, and to keep in saucers about the room; but, remember, as I have said before, and cannot repeat too often, there is no preventative like the air of heaven, which should be allowed to permeate and circulate freely through the apartment and through the house: air, air, air is the best disinfectant, curative, and preventative of scarlet fever in the world!

Sargeant was a sleek, well-groomed, well-looking fellow of thirty, just beginning to show the effects of a certain amount of dissipation in the little puffs under the eyes and the faint blueness of the temples. The sudden death of his father for which event Sargeant was still mourning, had left him in such position that his monthly income was about five times as large as Condy's salary.

Chloralum and carbolic acid, and chloride of lime, and Condy's fluid, are each and all good disinfectants; but not one is to be compared to perfect cleanliness and to an abundance of fresh and pure air the last of which may truly par excellence be called God's disinfectant!

Condy said he would bear, Ellen should be offered a permanent home. The funeral took place on Monday, and was attended by Mr. Condy's family. On the next day Mrs. Condy called on Ellen, and invited her to come home with her, and to remain there. The offer was thankfully accepted.

So, too, was Berwick's baking powder, as a sort of satire on the absence of such essential constituents as eggs, milk, flour, whiskey, raisins, etc. Reckitt's blue was there in abundance a finger-post, as it were, to the shade of the entire exposition. Condy's Fluid was not the least appetible thing on show. But starch was the all-pervading feature of every shop-front.

Soaking is the word I used; or at all events ought to have used. It was soaking with Condy's Fluid, as it turned out, though I didn't know at the time what the stuff was. I had an interview with the hotelkeeper himself, a ruffian of the name of Doyle, about that. I had very nearly to break the bell before I could get any one to come to me.

This would have been called heresy by the North Astonian families, who professed to trust themselves to superior care, but none the less used Condy's Fluid as a means whereby the work of Providence might be rendered easier to it, nor disdained precipitate flight from the protection in which they all said dolefully they believed.